View Full Version : how to rename memberlist.php

08-04-2011, 05:51 PM

I want to rename one script : memberlist.php into memberlist2.php

i have seen into the script and i have found some link hard coded with "memberlist.php". OK i have renamed those links. So memberlist2.php is working fine.

BUT i have a problem with the search option in memberlist script. It don't see the new name of the script ! same thing for all direct acces "# A B C D etc." that doesn't work.

Can you help me to make this modification ?

the reason : i have 2 different memberlist script. The original from vbulletin and a hack. So i need to change the name of the original for activate a new button on the navbar....

thanks, Fred.

08-04-2011, 11:17 PM
I searched all the files for "memberlist.php" and it looks like it appears in


and also in some templates and phrases, but you can find those using "Search in Templates" and "Search in Phrases".

08-05-2011, 05:39 AM
great !

Thank you very much for your action and this information.

I'll go to see that now.

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OK thas was the very good idear ! THANK A LOT my friend !

i search for memberlist.php into templates and i found 3 scripts to modify. Now it's working very fine.