View Full Version : Please Help!

07-28-2011, 09:43 PM
On my forum, the My Settings link is NOT SHOWING in the top right corner of the board, next to Welcome. Chaos Notifications v My Profile Log Out

How do I get it to show? Is it the style? Or just an error?

07-28-2011, 10:24 PM
Try disabling your modifications/plugins and see if you still have this problem.
Note: To temporarily disable the plugin system, edit includes/config.php and add this line right under <?php

define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

If that doesn't work try this:
Create a new style with no parent:

Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Add New Style
Parent Style: No Parent Style
Title: Default vBulletin
Allow User Selection: Yes

Then browse the site using that totally default vbulletin style - do you still have the same problem?