View Full Version : How do I add H1,H2,H3 tags to Vbulletin posts?

07-28-2011, 01:20 PM
Im looking to improve my SEO performance and as far as I know none of the posts or threads on my forum use these tags. Can you tell me how to do this in a post?


07-28-2011, 01:52 PM
If you mean how can you use those tags when writing a post, then you'd need to define bbcodes for them (I don't *think* they are any by default).

07-28-2011, 05:04 PM
If you mean how can you use those tags when writing a post, then you'd need to define bbcodes for them (I don't *think* they are any by default).

Could you tell me how to do this or show me a link with instrucions? Your help is very much appreciated.

07-28-2011, 05:37 PM
I remember now, there already is an 'h' bbcode defined, at least in vb414. but it doesn't work right. (I haven't installed 4.1.5 yet so I'm not sure if it's fixed). But I think you can define your own using Custom BB Codes -> Add New BB Code in the adminCP. For instance you can define one with tag name h1 and replacement <h1>{param}</h1>, then use Heading in a post.

BTW, don't use the tag option to do something like <h{option}>{param}</h{option}> thinking that you could then use Heading to set the size, because you can't control what is entered as the option, so it would let users set any attributes they wanted.