View Full Version : SEO - my site is not getting indexed

07-26-2011, 03:13 AM
I have everything setup with sitexml submitted everyday to search engines. However, it's been a week already, I still dont' see anything being indexed.

can someone share with me how to improve SEO ranking with vb? I know there is something called SEOVB but it's $300 :(


07-26-2011, 11:35 AM
Put your site link up so others know where you are is helpful.
Search engines are somewhat slow at first. If you google for a list of search engines you can sign up at the ones not in the VB internal list. I'm signed up at 25 search engines and the bots just keep coming. Badiu Japan I think it's spelled is all over my place as we speak. Been there for a couple of days now.
And by the way once a week or once every two weeks is often enough to send out the sitemap. Everyday is overkill.