View Full Version : Editor window missing after update

07-22-2011, 10:33 PM
I've not had to create an article since 4.1.x (.4 I believe) but when I try to create a new Article, or edit an old one, the actual editor box (and icons above it) are gone.

What's weird is when I choose to edit an existing article, it shows up, then goes away - almost if it was processing the request/code...then removed it.

I'm using a skin that requires me to put the "editor" image files in a different folder (and I've already done so) but I'm still not seeing the editor or any images.


Oh and thanks in advance!

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nevermind, when I try to edit an existing Article...nothing but the Title shows up...

talk about frustrating!

07-24-2011, 12:32 AM
Nevermind...its an ongoing issue/bug
