View Full Version : Social Group and Album Enhancements - Private Social Groups

07-14-2011, 10:00 PM
Some may not have noticed, but vb4 no longer supports restricting Moderators from viewing Join-To-View/Invite Only content.

This modification does the following:
- Restricts Moderator access
- Hides the display of Social Groups set to Invite Only/Join-To-View (similar to this (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=184715))

These are file edits. Back up your original files.

Included in the zip are changed files which can be used as replacements; for those that prefer to make the changes manually, here they are.

1) In /group.php
Find (~ line365):

// If a group id is specified, but the group doesn't exist, error out
if ($vbulletin->GPC['groupid'])
$group = fetch_socialgroupinfo($vbulletin->GPC['groupid'], true);

if (empty($group))
standard_error(fetch_error('invalidid', $vbphrase['social_group'], $vbulletin->options['contactuslink']));
Replace with:

// If a group id is specified, but the group doesn't exist, error out
if ($vbulletin->GPC['groupid'])
$group = fetch_socialgroupinfo($vbulletin->GPC['groupid'], true);

if (empty($group))
standard_error(fetch_error('invalidid', $vbphrase['social_group'], $vbulletin->options['contactuslink']));

$group = prepare_socialgroup($group);

// Disallow everything except joining if you can't view a
// group's content.
AND $group['type'] == 'inviteonly'
AND $_REQUEST['do'] != 'join'
AND $_REQUEST['do'] != 'dojoin'
2) In /group.php
Find (~ line 653):

$group = prepare_socialgroup($group);

$group['canjoin'] = can_join_group($group);
$group['canleave'] = can_leave_group($group);

$show['pending_link'] = (fetch_socialgroup_modperm('caninvitemoderatemembe rs', $group) AND $group['moderatedmembers'] > 0);
$show['lastpostinfo'] = ($group['lastposterid']);

($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('group_list_groupbit')) ? eval($hook) : false;

$templater = vB_Template::create('socialgroups_grouplist_bit');
$templater->register('group', $group);
$templater->register('lastpostalt', $lastpostalt);
$grouplist .= $templater->render();

Replace with:

// Only show groups if we can view the
// content or this is an invitation
$group = prepare_socialgroup($group);
OR $group['type'] != 'inviteonly'
OR $_REQUEST['do'] == 'invitations'
$group['canjoin'] = can_join_group($group);
$group['canleave'] = can_leave_group($group);

$show['pending_link'] = (fetch_socialgroup_modperm('caninvitemoderatemembe rs', $group) AND $group['moderatedmembers'] > 0);
$show['lastpostinfo'] = ($group['lastposterid']);

($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('group_list_groupbit')) ? eval($hook) : false;

$templater = vB_Template::create('socialgroups_grouplist_bit');
$templater->register('group', $group);
$templater->register('lastpostalt', $lastpostalt);
$grouplist .= $templater->render();

3) In /includes/functions_socialgroup.php
Find (~ line 699):

) // The above means that you dont have to join to view
OR $group['membertype'] == 'member'
// Or can moderate comments
OR can_moderate(0, 'canmoderategroupmessages')
OR can_moderate(0, 'canremovegroupmessages')
OR can_moderate(0, 'candeletegroupmessages')
OR fetch_socialgroup_perm('canalwayspostmessage')
OR fetch_socialgroup_perm('canalwascreatediscussion')

Replace with:

) // The above means that you dont have to join to view
OR $group['membertype'] == 'member'

4) In /includes/functions_socialgroup.php
Find (~ line 1829):

$groups = array();
while ($group = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($result))
$group = prepare_socialgroup($group, true);

$group['delete_group'] = can_delete_group($group);
$group['edit_group'] = can_edit_group($group);
$group['leave_group'] = can_leave_group($group);
$group['group_options'] = ($group['delete_group'] OR $group['edit_group'] OR $group['leave_group']);

$groups[] = $group;

Replace with:

$groups = array();
while ($group = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($result))
// Only include groups whose content can be viewed.
$group = prepare_socialgroup($group, true);
if($group['canviewcontent'] OR $group['type'] != 'inviteonly')
$group['delete_group'] = can_delete_group($group);
$group['edit_group'] = can_edit_group($group);
$group['leave_group'] = can_leave_group($group);
$group['group_options'] = ($group['delete_group'] OR $group['edit_group'] OR $group['leave_group']);

$groups[] = $group;

5) In /includes/functions_socialgroup.php
Find (~ line 1893):

return $groups;

Replace with:

// Only include groups whose content can be viewed.
$visible_groups = array();
$group = prepare_socialgroup(array_shift($groups));
if($group['canviewcontent'] OR $group['type'] != 'inviteonly')
$visible_groups[] = $group;

return $visible_groups;

6) In /includes/functions_socialgroup.php
Find (~ line 1967):

$groups = array();
while ($group = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($result))
$group['delete_group'] = can_delete_group($group);
$group['edit_group'] = can_edit_group($group);
$group['leave_group'] = can_leave_group($group);
$group['group_options'] = ($group['delete_group'] OR $group['edit_group'] OR $group['leave_group']);

$groups[] = $group;

Replace with:

$groups = array();
while ($group = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($result))
// Only show groups we can view
$group = prepare_socialgroup($group);
if($group['canviewcontent'] OR $group['type'] != 'inviteonly')
$group['delete_group'] = can_delete_group($group);
$group['edit_group'] = can_edit_group($group);
$group['leave_group'] = can_leave_group($group);
$group['group_options'] = ($group['delete_group'] OR $group['edit_group'] OR $group['leave_group']);

$groups[] = $group;

return $groups;

Note: This is marked "Unsupported" as I am not the original author; this was done by a member of my site in his spare time who is allowing the modification to be shared. This works. He simply has no time for troubleshooting.

07-22-2011, 07:55 AM
Thank you for this solution !

07-22-2011, 03:10 PM
Very welcome, glad someone else could use it!

09-07-2015, 06:04 PM
Just installed. Works like a champ.

Trying to figure out how to apply filter to the Activity Stream now.

09-26-2016, 09:03 PM
Just installed. Works like a champ.

Trying to figure out how to apply filter to the Activity Stream now.

Ever figure out how to do that?

09-26-2016, 09:19 PM
Probably just need to add the viewable permission to the stream SQL query. Unfortunately I don't use that so I can't be much help there.

maybe something like...

WHERE group.canviewcontent != 'No'
OR group.type != 'inviteonly'

09-26-2016, 09:50 PM
Thank you I will look into that.

Would the profile page edits be similar to what is listed here also:


Also trying remove the group posts from the profile activity stream. When viewing someones profile you are able to see the private groups post. Would that be similar to your last reply?

Thank you for the help!

09-27-2016, 05:34 PM
Semi-sorta. That link will still let moderators see it (refer to can_moderate in WHERE syntax) whereas my goal was to hide them completely.

And, yes, adjusting the query would remove the private groups post.

09-15-2017, 03:58 PM
Semi-sorta. That link will still let moderators see it (refer to can_moderate in WHERE syntax) whereas my goal was to hide them completely.

And, yes, adjusting the query would remove the private groups post.

was this ever fully fixed/resolved?

just realized about it...kinda surprising not even vb4 got around to fixing permission issues dam..