View Full Version : Miscellaneous Hacks - Ban Notice (Displays Ban Time and Reason)

07-13-2011, 10:00 PM
Disclaimer: I am not a mod developer. I have tested this exactly once. I have no idea if the xml file works- I coded it by hand on the vBulletin New Plugin page. It exists merely to scratch an itch. Use it at your own risk- although I don't think that it will break anything. I am not responsible for what happens. I probably won't be updating it.

Ban Notice is a very simple plugin that allows an administrator to create a notice that displays the time remaining on the ban and the ban reason. This allows you to set up a 'Ban Forum' where banned members can dispute the ban without making a new account, while still showing that they are banned, why, and for how long.

Upload the xml file as a new plugin. Modify your Banned Users group to allow them to View Forums. Modify forum permissions so Banned Users can only see the forum(s) you want them to see.

Now create a new notice and specify that it be shown to users in the Banned Users usergroup. I suggest not making it dismissable. In the notice text, you will enter {bant} where you want the ban time to be placed, and {banreason} where you want the reason to be placed.

Forwards and Backwards Compatibility
I have no idea if this works in any other version of vBulletin. I don't see any reason why the code wouldn't work, though. If you try it out, please share your results.