orange gold
07-12-2011, 10:00 PM
Mark as installed if you like it!
This mod will allow your users to add HashTags to their posts! When one clicks on a hashtag they will be brought to a search query list of all other posts containing the tagged phrase
It's very simple to install!
Live demo (At bottom of post): Click here (
Step 1: Log into your adminCP
Step 2: Locate the BBCode Manager (on the left side bar)
Step 3: Click add new BBCode.
Step 4:
Enter the following information:
?Title: HashTags
?BBCode Tag Name: #
(* In the code below be sure to change /forum to the name of whatever your forum is located under possible /forums or perhaps none at all (if it is just www.**.com/forum.php on the home page then delete the /forum))
<a href="forum/search.php?query={param}&do=process" style="color:#00B2EE;"><b>#{param}</b></a>
?Example: I like to [#]multiply[/#]
?Description: Adds a hashtag to enclosed text. Clicking the enclosed texts takes you to a list of threads that have the same text in them and threads that have been tagged with the same hashtag!
?Use {option}: No
?Button image (I recommend you download this and re-upload it to your forums):
?Remove Tag If Empty: Yes
?Disable BB Code Within This BB Code: Yes
?Disable Smilies Within This BB Code: Yes
?Disable Word Wrapping Within This BB Code: Yes
?Disable Automatic Link Parsing Within This BB Code: Yes
Step 5: Hit continue and if a warning message occurs on the next page ignore it and hit continue again.
Step 6: Complete, if the code doesn't work go back and read the asterixed (*) part of step 4 again.. Make sure you did everything it said. If an error still occurs post below.
Mark as installed and don't forget to rate!
This mod will allow your users to add HashTags to their posts! When one clicks on a hashtag they will be brought to a search query list of all other posts containing the tagged phrase
It's very simple to install!
Live demo (At bottom of post): Click here (
Step 1: Log into your adminCP
Step 2: Locate the BBCode Manager (on the left side bar)
Step 3: Click add new BBCode.
Step 4:
Enter the following information:
?Title: HashTags
?BBCode Tag Name: #
(* In the code below be sure to change /forum to the name of whatever your forum is located under possible /forums or perhaps none at all (if it is just www.**.com/forum.php on the home page then delete the /forum))
<a href="forum/search.php?query={param}&do=process" style="color:#00B2EE;"><b>#{param}</b></a>
?Example: I like to [#]multiply[/#]
?Description: Adds a hashtag to enclosed text. Clicking the enclosed texts takes you to a list of threads that have the same text in them and threads that have been tagged with the same hashtag!
?Use {option}: No
?Button image (I recommend you download this and re-upload it to your forums):
?Remove Tag If Empty: Yes
?Disable BB Code Within This BB Code: Yes
?Disable Smilies Within This BB Code: Yes
?Disable Word Wrapping Within This BB Code: Yes
?Disable Automatic Link Parsing Within This BB Code: Yes
Step 5: Hit continue and if a warning message occurs on the next page ignore it and hit continue again.
Step 6: Complete, if the code doesn't work go back and read the asterixed (*) part of step 4 again.. Make sure you did everything it said. If an error still occurs post below.
Mark as installed and don't forget to rate!