View Full Version : Plugin Antibots Please

07-11-2011, 05:03 PM
<font color="Green">Hello friends I make my first post in this section and would like to help me with bots on my forum for creating and filling in English theme repeated themes and I like that bots on my forum, my forum is Latino addition, the bots they get in the downloads section, music and filled with pure English and spam but I delete them and would like to know how to do I have to do.

to avoid bots

is grateful</font>

07-11-2011, 11:02 PM
vb bad behaviour
stop forum spam

07-14-2011, 07:30 PM
I can do as I continue to fill bots and bots do not like that

07-14-2011, 10:57 PM
As a very first step, protect you forums by a good captcha. One good solution to the standard is to add a few TrueType fonts which are difficult to interpret from both OCR and tired human assisted registrants. "Baby Blocks" for example is a really good font, but also "Elevator".

Secondly consider using the question and answer system with some well studied reply patterns. Very few bots do understand how to insert the first letter of the second word all uppercase. In fact they never did. :)

Third, make one of the "contacts" options selected and sound like: "I'm a spammer and I spam you." Nobody who really wants to contact you will ever leave this option on. But spambots will. That idea came from this forum and it works very well.

Last not least, don't allow guest posts. If you do, enable the same checking system as for registering. However if you are massively spammed, consider installing also some plugin. Search this forum for spambot and you'll find some ;)

07-15-2011, 04:36 AM
I use the captcha and so do I still get SPAM bots downloads section

I will not be a remedy that I can fix that roamed bots plugin I searched and I do not have server, or reCAPTCHA
You know how to fix it or I have to do.




07-15-2011, 07:53 AM
Try to use: "Secondly consider using the question and answer system with some well studied reply patterns. Very few bots do understand how to insert the first letter of the second word all uppercase."

07-18-2011, 06:58 AM
user : y2ksw

I give questions and answers

How much is 2 + 2
How much is 5 + 4

answers questions like that put me?

07-18-2011, 07:15 AM
One of those may work. However you have to make it more difficult even to human assisted spambots, e.g.:

Please type the uppercase letter of 'elephant'. => E
How much is one plus one? => 2, two
How many fingers humans normally have? => 5, 10

That sort of questions protect you against most spammers ;)