View Full Version : mods setting link doesn't appear in vB Options

07-10-2011, 06:32 AM
Hi everyone

I'm confused. I'd be thankful if you guys help/guide me

to change hacks setting I should go to Go to admin cp, then vBulletin Options -> specific hack setting
sorry for noob question, vb option means right column in admin cp, right?
I can't find hacks link in there
for example I just installed "Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics" but the settings page' link didn't appear/show in left column (vB options)

please help me

07-10-2011, 06:37 AM
Is the mod active? Check in your Addons area in the admincp if the name is strike-through. if it is, you need to choose "Activate" from the right dropdown menu.

Otherwise you might have disabled the hook system.
Open your includes/config.php file and add "//" before the line "define("DISABLE_HOOKS", 1);" if there aren't already two slashes.

07-10-2011, 03:39 PM
Different mods work differently - not all of them have settings in the settings area. You should read the modification thread to see exactly how that mod works.

07-11-2011, 07:44 AM
thanks guys for answers
I found where they are
I was looking in right column (main), mods settings are under option.php
my bad sorry