View Full Version : Suite Style - Black Plague

07-04-2011, 10:00 PM
Ok I was messing around in the styles editor, In the unlikely event that someone actually wants to install it.. Knock your self out..

live link (http://www.raisedead.com/forums/forum.php)


Oh right, to install just go styles, make a new one under default. select upload and point it to the xml file.

theres no gimp stuff so it should work with any version 4.1.4+

07-12-2011, 03:45 AM
updated to 4.1.4(1)

I forgot to you can replace /forums/images/misc/vbulletin4_logo.png to change your title and
/forums/images/misc/border.png to change you border or delete it for black

ps : I got an email or 2 about cms colors. sorry I don't use cms, but its in the styles section just add cms to the search and change as needed.. have fun