View Full Version : New Gaming site [Review]

07-05-2011, 01:30 AM
Hey guys I just made this site and its pretty cool to me but I need to know how I can improve this site to make it a success.

I already got a business and sellers license so I am allowed to sell video games on my site as well!

I am hoping to turn it into a gaming community and host events for clans etc.

07-05-2011, 02:32 AM
How many threads are you going to start?


However, I will say this as I do with everyone who has done this:

If I was looking for a new forum to join, I would want to read a bit (even if it's just a litte) before I joined. Especially would want to read the rules section. However you have them all set to private. can't even get into the subscriptions section or see what's new or even the calendar. But that's only my opinion so take it as you want.

07-15-2011, 07:24 AM
Other than taking a look to do this review I'd have nothing to do with that place. It's all private. The threads totals and views counts are visible and refing that the rules and feedback are in the lead while intros are next. The rest of the forums have 5 or less or none.
I have to agree with private forums not being the way to go. You're cutting off your feet with a chainsaw and no Novocain. It doesn't work.
I would suggest making your rules open to the public at the least and posting a little about the subject matter of the forum. Maybe a splash page.