View Full Version : My save button isn't working when editing a post.
07-03-2011, 11:47 PM
^^ Title says it all.
Can someone help me?
Save button, 'Reply to thread', quote, advance mode, there all not working.
I'm using 4.1.4
New install, upgrade, recent changes, or just happened spontaneously?
07-04-2011, 07:37 AM
New install, upgrade, recent changes, or just happened spontaneously?
New install.
I mostly asked that question because I figured that anyone else who was going to help you would want to know, but if it's a new install then I really have no idea. The only thing I can think of is to make sure everything is uploaded like it's supposed to be, and maybe check if you're getting any javascript errors.
07-04-2011, 03:06 PM
I mostly asked that question because I figured that anyone else who was going to help you would want to know, but if it's a new install then I really have no idea. The only thing I can think of is to make sure everything is uploaded like it's supposed to be, and maybe check if you're getting any javascript errors.
What file do I upload for the edit and templates?
I was thinking of the files under clientscript, because I know those buttons work via javascript.
07-04-2011, 07:13 PM
You could see the mistakes, check my forums.
All I see is web site with 4 pages - maybe I'm missing the link to the forums?
07-04-2011, 09:33 PM
Mine doesn't work either for about 80% of the members. Using 4.1.4.
In the 4.1.2 version, the edit would just spin the hourglass (or whatever for your browser) and nothing would happen.
07-04-2011, 10:03 PM
Mine doesn't work either for about 80% of the members. Using 4.1.4.
In the 4.1.2 version, the edit would just spin the hourglass (or whatever for your browser) and nothing would happen.
Did you fix it now or what? Mine isn't working still.
Add my msn though.
My site is - Sorry.
I registered on your site to test (kh99 - you can delete it when we're done). I haven't found anything yet that doesn't work (although I haven't submitted a post).
07-04-2011, 11:35 PM
Kh99, please try edit your post and then save it.
Yes, I see now - it doesn't work. I see these javascript errors when that page loads:
Error: missing } in compound statement
Source File:
Line: 129, Column: 2315
Source Code:
if(A)YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(,'display',z);};f unction w(x){a.on('dialogDefinition',function(y){var,;if(z=='smiley'){ A.getContents('tab1').elements[0].html=A.getContents('tab1').elements[0].html.replace(/src="\.\/([a-z]+:\/\/)/gi,'src="$1');var B=A.getContents('tab1').elements[0].onClick;A.getContents('tab1').elements[0].onClick=e.override(B,function(C){return function(D){var,F=E.getName();if(F=='a')E=E.g etChild(0);else if(F!='img')return;var G=E.getAttribute('title');y.editor.insertHtml(G);t his._.dialog.hide();;};});} });};j.add('enhancedsourcearea',{requires:['editingblock','wysiwygarea'],saveSelection:function(x,y){y.savedselection=docu ment.selection.createRange();},init:function(x){va r y=j.enhancedsourcearea,z,A=a.document.getWindow(); x.textarea=z=new h('textarea');if(c){YAHOO.util.Event.on(x.textarea .$,'keyup',this.saveSelection,x);YAHOO.util.Event. on(x.textarea.$,'click',this.saveSelection,x);YAHO O.util.Event.on(x.textarea.$,'select',this.saveSel ection,x);}x.getSelection=e.override(x.getSelectio n,function(B){return function(){if(this.mode!='enhancedsourcearea')retu rn;else return new d.selection(document);};});w(x);x.on('editingBlock Ready',function(){var B,C={};u(x,x.lang.source,x.lang.vbulletin.switch_e ditor_mode_source);v(x,,'non e');x.addMode('enhancedsource',{load:function(D,E) {v(x,,'');u(x,x.lang.source, x.lang.vbulletin.switch_editor_mode_wysiwyg);if(YA HOO.util.Dom.get(x.editorid+'_mode'))YAHOO.util.Do m.get(x.editorid+'_mode').value=0;if(c&&b.version<8)D.setStyle('position','relative');z.setAttribute s({dir:x.config.contentsLangDirection,tabIndex:b.w ebkit?-1:x.tabIndex,role:'textbox','aria-label':x.lang.editorTitle.replace('%1',});z .addClass('cke_source');z.addClass('cke_enable_con text_menu');this.setupCommandOverrides();var F={width:b.ie7Compat?'99%':'100%',height:'100%','m in-width':'100%','max-width':'100%',resize:'none',outline:'none','text-align':x.config.contentsLangDirection=='ltr'?'left ':'right'};if(c){F.width=D.$.clientHeight+'px';F.h eight=D.$.clientWidth+'px';B=function(){z.hide();z .setStyle('height',D.$.clientHeight+'px');z.setSty le('width',D.$.clientWidth+'px');;};x.on(' resize',B);A.on('resize',B);setTimeout
Error: CKEDITOR is not defined
Source File:
Line: 11
which I'm pretty sure must be realted but I don't know what's causing them. Did you make any changes to the editor at all, or install any mods?
I assume that was you posting in that thread I started - did you mean that you're asking at That may be a good idea.
Edit: actually I think I do see what the problem is - the file clientscript/ckeditor/ckeditor.js seems to be half missing. You should try uploading that file again (or maybe just upload all of clientscript again).
07-05-2011, 03:42 PM
I've fixed it now! Thanks for helping me mate.
^^ Where could I advertise my forums at? :p
07-05-2011, 10:10 PM
I've fixed it now! Thanks for helping me mate.
^^ Where could I advertise my forums at? :p
Can you share how you fixed the problem?
07-07-2011, 02:51 AM
Can you share how you fixed the problem?
yeah, please share the steps you took to fix this
07-08-2011, 03:09 PM
I guess not
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