View Full Version : CMS viewing permission issues

06-29-2011, 03:31 PM
I am having a problem setting up viewing permissions, briefly I want to acheive this:

Limited viewing for guests or unregistered / not logged in members (only want them to see article previews with thumbnail images in all sections

this is what I have done thus far

All articles in the CMS have preview permissions set to YES
In my main section I have set can read and can download attachments to YES

In my sub-sections can read is set to NO and download attachments to YES

Result is guests can go to the home page (main section) and see previews with thumbnails (perfect) note all articles in this section belong to sub-sections and are only pubished here.

None of the sub-sections can be seen by guests on the widget (yes show on widget is turned on) If I change the can read permissions to yes for this user group under sub-sections they can read full articles which is pointless as they would never register.

Any solutions anybody, I thought VB allowed this and was set up this way as standard??

Thus far support has not been able to come up with a solution they have been helpful in trying just not sucessfull

07-12-2011, 02:30 PM
Mark --

First, let me thank you for fixing an issue I was seeing... similar setup to yours, except guests, etc. were not seeing images on the front page; changed all subsections so that guests, etc. were set to read=no, download attachments=yes, and now the images show up on the Front Page when I set the permission override. Thank you for inadvertantly fixing my problem.

Are you trying to fix the fact that the Sections do not display on the Section Widget for non-logged-in/non-subscriber users? I am seeing the same thing on my site. :/

...strangely enough, ALL of the categories are shown in the Category Widget. Maybe a temporary work-around would be to set up a 'Category' for each subsection (in the AdminCP), and tag the subsections with those categories. Of course, if the unregistered user clicks on the category in the widget, they get the "you don't have access; please log in" page...

- Brian

07-13-2011, 02:21 PM
Mine is doing the same thing. We want everyone to view our home page, but we wanted our forum access limited to only our users.

I set all the "Can Read" permissions to "Select All - Yes" and it's still not working at all.

09-10-2011, 01:30 PM
Identical issue for us as well. Nothing visible on CMS home page but forums can be accessed properly, which is good.

Operator error here of course but we are clueless on how we disrupted these permissions.