View Full Version : Help with cleaner.php (REGEX)

The Dawg
06-27-2011, 09:47 PM
I upgraded to VB 4.1.4 and now I need to replace all of the mod code from the youtube video embedding mod to .

What is the correct format?

I see where to replace variables:

$replacer = array(
'[ame="' => "[video]",
'"]' => "",
"" => "",
"" => "",
"" => ""

I ran cleaner and it replaced the code BUT the result was a youtube link instead of the bbcode replacement. If I edit post and then save the bbcode is activated. So its there, but not rebuilt with the new format.

All of this text is left behind also.
YouTube - ‪Bill O'Reilly Interviews Rapper Lupe Fiasco - 06/20/11‬‏

Here is an example post code:

YouTube - ‪Bill O'Reilly Interviews Rapper Lupe Fiasco - 06/20/11‬‏

How can I use cleaner.php to replace all of this?
