View Full Version : help with optimization

06-26-2011, 08:52 AM
Hey, I have finally got the layouts to look pretty much how myself and the rest of the site would like.. but I'm working on trying to optimize it better, to allow faster load times for guests as well as better google rankings.

Site is: http://www.properimage.net

I know CSS/HTML okay, I am no expert.. but I've coded everything myself (and you can see i've done a good amount of changes.

Ive already did the CSS stylesheets stored as seperate files (the one that is through the admincp/settings/options area) and I raised Gzip to 4, from 1.

Please help with more optimizations for speed and slimming down all the nasty CSS coding that comes with 4.X


06-30-2011, 04:05 AM
bump.. anyone have any tips???

06-30-2011, 04:15 AM
One of the best things I ever did was install the pagespeed addon for Firefox. It works with Firebug, and it gives you a detailed ranking on your page's speed and how to optimize your site to make it load faster.

Optimizing images is a good way to cut down on load times. Also using a php accelerator such as eAccelerator, and using a caching system such as Memcached will help with site performance. There a lots of tutorials on vbulletin.com and vbulletin.org on how to set that up.

If you really get into optimization, using a CDN (Content Delivery Network) to story your sites static content will give you a nice performance boost as well. Services such as Amazon's S3 are perfect for just that.

06-30-2011, 12:08 PM
Thanks.. I will work on the Memcached and eAccelerator... i've googled and searched a bajillion things on opitimization and haven't heard of those yet.

I already optimized all the images, I use Firebug... it has helped me increase my "speed" or performance number by about 20 points!


03-10-2012, 06:56 PM
Anyone know about what best optimization to use with LiteSpeed ?

Litespeed has caching, but I'm told there is a vBulletin BOOST plugin to download for that. (I hadn't found that yet) And then do I still have to enable xcache or eAccelerator?