06-20-2011, 10:00 PM
This Minimod has been requested on vbulletin-germany.com (http://www.vbulletin-germany.com/forum/showthread.php/55013-Neues-Thema-nicht-als-Beitrag-z%C3%A4hlen).
What does it do?This Addon allows you to have Question and Answer Forums. It changes the statistics that are shown in forumbit.
Normally, vBulletin shows the total number of posts in a forum, i.e. evey post in a forum is counted. If you have a question/answers forum, this addon changes the phrase "Posts" to "Replies" and the phrase "Threads" to "Questions". It also subtracts the first posts from the total of posts inside a forum, so the statistics show only replies.
See screenshots:
There are the forumbits of two forums in the screenshots. In the first screenshot, the addon is activated for the upper one, in the second screenshot it is deactivated.
Install the product file in your Product Manager. Done.
Template edits
If you want to replace the phrases "Threads" and "Posts", you need to do the following template edits (if you're using Andreas' Template Modification System (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=152931), you can skip this):
In template forumhome_forumbit_level2_post search for
{vb:rawphrase threads}replace with
<vb:if condition="$forum[cel_replycount]">{vb:rawphrase cel_replycount_replacethreads}<vb:else />{vb:rawphrase threads}</vb:if>Directly below in the same template, replace
{vb:rawphrase posts}with
<vb:if condition="$forum[cel_replycount]">{vb:rawphrase cel_replycount_replaceposts}<vb:else />{vb:rawphrase posts}</vb:if>
Under AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> Cel Question & Answer Forums you can
set the addon to work for all forums, then exclude single forums by forumid
set the addon to work on single forums only defined by forumid
set whether you want to replace the phrases "Threads" and "Posts" in the relevant forumsIn the Phrase Manager, you can edit the phrases "cel_replycount_replaceposts" and "cel_replycount_replacethreads" to your liking or to translate them.
Version history:
4.1.002: Added functionality to replace phrases
4.1.001: Release
### Don't forget to click install! ###
(No support if you don't)
What does it do?This Addon allows you to have Question and Answer Forums. It changes the statistics that are shown in forumbit.
Normally, vBulletin shows the total number of posts in a forum, i.e. evey post in a forum is counted. If you have a question/answers forum, this addon changes the phrase "Posts" to "Replies" and the phrase "Threads" to "Questions". It also subtracts the first posts from the total of posts inside a forum, so the statistics show only replies.
See screenshots:
There are the forumbits of two forums in the screenshots. In the first screenshot, the addon is activated for the upper one, in the second screenshot it is deactivated.
Install the product file in your Product Manager. Done.
Template edits
If you want to replace the phrases "Threads" and "Posts", you need to do the following template edits (if you're using Andreas' Template Modification System (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=152931), you can skip this):
In template forumhome_forumbit_level2_post search for
{vb:rawphrase threads}replace with
<vb:if condition="$forum[cel_replycount]">{vb:rawphrase cel_replycount_replacethreads}<vb:else />{vb:rawphrase threads}</vb:if>Directly below in the same template, replace
{vb:rawphrase posts}with
<vb:if condition="$forum[cel_replycount]">{vb:rawphrase cel_replycount_replaceposts}<vb:else />{vb:rawphrase posts}</vb:if>
Under AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> Cel Question & Answer Forums you can
set the addon to work for all forums, then exclude single forums by forumid
set the addon to work on single forums only defined by forumid
set whether you want to replace the phrases "Threads" and "Posts" in the relevant forumsIn the Phrase Manager, you can edit the phrases "cel_replycount_replaceposts" and "cel_replycount_replacethreads" to your liking or to translate them.
Version history:
4.1.002: Added functionality to replace phrases
4.1.001: Release
### Don't forget to click install! ###
(No support if you don't)