View Full Version : Site (4.14) Crashed - No Errors

06-17-2011, 11:26 AM
My site has run without problem on 4.14.

Yesterday afternoon, the control panel became unavaible as did the site itself. Both URLs result in blank pages.

This surrounded no changes made to the site.
1. Earlier in the day I had made a blog entry
2. An hour later, I had changed one of the articles (edited the HTML) of an article on the CMS.

Everything is there on FTP

The database is intact

The site simply does not appear.

Input appreciated.

06-17-2011, 12:31 PM
Do other php scripts still run on the server?

To test, you can upload a phpinfo.php file with the contents:


If it outputs the phpinfo, your vb script might be the problem. If the phpinfo page remains blank or outputs the source code, your webserver might be the problem.
In this case, your hoster should be able to assist you.

06-17-2011, 01:22 PM
My site has run without problem on 4.14.

Yesterday afternoon, the control panel became unavaible as did the site itself. Both URLs result in blank pages.

This surrounded no changes made to the site.
1. Earlier in the day I had made a blog entry
2. An hour later, I had changed one of the articles (edited the HTML) of an article on the CMS.

Everything is there on FTP

The database is intact

The site simply does not appear.

Input appreciated.

Did you do any modification before you got the blank pages or did they appear out of nowhere.

Have a look here as well.


06-17-2011, 02:39 PM
On Thursday morning, I posted a blog to the CMS

About an hour later, I edited an article's HTML on the CMS (it was not centering an image).

The site ran as always...fine.

In mid-afternoon, someone filled out the form to become a User.

I tried to go to the AdminCP to approve him, and it was not there. I then went to the main page of the CMS site, and it was not there.

Brandon Sheley
06-17-2011, 02:50 PM
what's your url?

06-17-2011, 03:02 PM
<a href="http://www.psychological.com" target="_blank">www.psychological.com</a>

06-17-2011, 04:26 PM
Here is a page from the manual about troubleshooting blank or 'white' pages: https://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/blank_pages

06-17-2011, 06:00 PM

I downloaded vBulletin 4.14 ~one week ago.

I received an e-mail today indicating that it is now available.

I do not know if this lag means anything at all, but we did find errors in files on my last update from 4.13 PL1 to 4.14.

More importantly, when we repaired those errors and go to AdminCP, we are confronted with:

An intrusion attempt by sabdhcysoxk.com ( Blackhole Website ToolKit 5

06-17-2011, 07:54 PM
Your forum loads fine to me. I take it that the issue is resolved now.

About the intrusion attempt, it looks like someone is/was trying to hack your forum.

06-17-2011, 08:05 PM
My son (15) looked at several scripts and found errors in them. He had never seen vBulletin before but caught on quickly.

I then was able to access the "upgrade" window, but it appeared with error lines showing through and Norton's warning that the Blackhole Toolkit was attempting to infest my computer.

I speculate that the hacking of the website itself was partially successful. The goal being to infect everyone who visited. Instead, whatever script they ran caused the site to crash, infecting no one.

He re-uploaded the 4.14 files, fixed a few things that remained problematic.

It has been stable for about two hours. My thanks to all for their input.

In return for his assistance, I ordered my son the Apple Developer's package. He has recently been working in xCode. Nonetheless, his shoes are still in the middle of the floor.

Again, my many thanks.

06-17-2011, 08:53 PM
Figures..... When I was 15 and fiddling with computers, I only ever got, "When you going to grow up and do something that actually makes money instead of playing games all the time?!" http://www.clubbleach.org/forums/images/smilies/awe.png

06-17-2011, 09:17 PM
When I was a kid, computers used keypunch cards....or open reels.

My son has a natural proclivity for computer, code and software. He has no interest in hardware. When I was his age, I was building hotrods. He has no interest in that either.

In either case, my web people did not know how to proceed, and he intuitively knew that something had written to one or more files and found the evidence to demonstrate it. Then he repaired it all.

He is now in his bat cave writing obscure code.