View Full Version : How can I display a captchar when the members of my forum try to post a new thread?

06-15-2011, 02:46 AM
How can I display a captcha when the members of my forum try to post a new thread? Thanks.

06-15-2011, 02:57 AM
First turn on captcha in settings > human verification manager > human verification library. And go to AdminCP > Settings > Options > human verification options > actions > check next to Post. Then go to usergroup manager > find the usergroup you put your users in > Require Human Verification on Configured Actions: > Yes.

06-17-2011, 12:54 AM
That is the correct answer, sort of (actually it's for all posts, not just new threads). But do NOT do it. It's annoying as all hell and will not solve any kind of problem you're having.

If you're having problems with spambots, first turn off captcha and set a few good Q&As during registration. Lots of other solutions too if this is your trouble - just browse for "spam" in the thread titles.

06-17-2011, 01:28 AM
Ditto what Videx said. Captcha only annoys humans, and doesn't stop many Bots nowadays. XD

Something that I've had great results with, if Bot Spam is your issue, is Glowhos SPam-O-Matic.

Some people report that it's too aggressive, but I haven't noticed it.