View Full Version : VB External - Working in VB4 1.4

06-10-2011, 09:21 AM
For those who dont know VB External is still the only free and easy way to get VBulletin on none vb pages.

The last week ive been trying and failing to get it working successfully, but i hacked together code from the old VBexternal and the latest one, i think the main bit was the part where it called for the dbname etc, but anyway its working


Theres still work to be done, i need to find an old htaccess that was used my site that has mod rewrites for SEO and fixes the content and news archives then im really cooking.

also got to work on the login part for the right hand side and the stats bit on the left

ill fill you all in when i get further with it.

Then post all the details so that others can use and even improve on the old Mod. (i am in no way shape or form a php coder, i just tried and eventually got it working.)

06-10-2011, 03:10 PM
Page looks nice. You might want to work on the script for the User Info:
Not Found

The requested document was not found on this server.
Web Server at dcemu.co.uk

06-10-2011, 06:33 PM
yeah thats one of the things to fix

got the htaccess sorted, now we have content pages and news archives for example



cant wait to get the rest fixed and let others use what we hacked together

also the main site is at www.dcemu.co.uk

forums are at www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin

We can use VB EXternal to have subdomains with news pulled from as many forums as we want

Ok Now the login script is fixed too :), now to try and get those pesky stats working

--------------- Added 1307739498 at 1307739498 ---------------

Hmm the stats script is beyond me at the moment. i personally reckon its not calling the database correctly for VB 4

Can anyone take a look at this code and advise some things to try:

the call to the config.php works so it has to be something else, heres the code:

// Connecting to your database


$connection = mysql_connect("$servername","$dbusername","$dbpassword") or die ("Cannot connect to server.");

$db = mysql_select_db("$dbname", $connection) or die ("Could not select database.");

$numbermainsites = mysql_num_rows ( mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT ip FROM useronline"));

$datecut = time() - 3000;

$guests = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM session WHERE userid=0 AND session.lastactivity > $datecut");
$row = mysql_fetch_row($guests);

$users = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT userid ) FROM session WHERE userid>0 AND lastactivity > $datecut");
$row = mysql_fetch_row($users);

$threads = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM thread");
$row = mysql_fetch_row($threads);

$posts = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM post");
$row = mysql_fetch_row($posts);

$total_online = $numberguest + $numberusers + $numbermainsites;

$query = mysql_query("select * from datastore");
$data = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($query)) {
$data[$row[0]] = $row[1];

$maxonline = unserialize($data['maxloggedin']);
$userstats = unserialize($data['userstats']);
$guestsandsites = $numberguest + $numbermainsites;



Visitors Online: <strong><?=$total_online;?></strong><br>
Members: <strong><?=$numberusers;?></strong> <br>
Guests: <strong><?=$guestsandsites?></strong><br>
Most users online: <b><?=$maxonline['maxonline'];?></b><br>
on <?=date("M jS, Y G:i:s", $maxonline['maxonlinedate']);?>.<br>
Newest member, <b><?=$userstats['newusername'];?></b><br><br>
Threads: <strong><?=$totalthreads;?></strong><br>
Posts: <strong><?=$totalposts;?></strong><br>
Members: <strong><?=$userstats['numbermembers'];?></strong>