View Full Version : Need to change from MyBB to VB - How do I do this?

06-09-2011, 06:52 PM
I own a pretty popular forum and it is on MyBB and I wanted to upgrade it to Vbulletin.

How do i do this. I want all posts, users, signatures, images etc to still be there and the same. All forum categories ect.

I started with mybb because I was not sure it would take off. Well 5 days later it is 150 + members strong with over 600 posts and 200 + threads. It grew extremely fast.

The niche is Guns and Tennessee. I have lots of friends and family who emailed everyone they all love the forum and it is time to give them something better.

Thanks please help me with this.:eek:

Brandon Sheley
06-09-2011, 06:54 PM
with impex (http://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/impex)..

ps... it looks like your running on vBulletin already :confused:

06-09-2011, 07:07 PM
I own a pretty popular forum and it is on MyBB and I wanted to upgrade it to Vbulletin.

How do i do this. I want all posts, users, signatures, images etc to still be there and the same. All forum categories ect.

I started with mybb because I was not sure it would take off. Well 5 days later it is 150 + members strong with over 600 posts and 200 + threads. It grew extremely fast.

The niche is Guns and Tennessee. I have lots of friends and family who emailed everyone they all love the forum and it is time to give them something better.

Thanks please help me with this.:eek:

You will have to convert it using the impex as mentioned above.