View Full Version : CaptiveReefs

06-02-2011, 02:37 PM
Looking for some feedback on the recent style change I made to CaptiveReefs.com (http://www.captivereefs.com)

Here are some of the pages I think are unique:
Homepage (http://www.captivereefs.com/)
Forum Home (http://www.captivereefs.com/forum/forums.html)
Coral Collector (http://www.captivereefs.com/forum/coral-collector/)
Tank of the Month Forum (http://www.captivereefs.com/forum/tank-month/)
Sponsor Forums (http://www.captivereefs.com/forum/sponsor-forums/)
Selling Forum (http://www.captivereefs.com/forum/livestock-sales-trades/)

06-03-2011, 03:31 PM
The header is a very smart idea, I also like the rest of the style. Good job!

06-04-2011, 01:25 AM

06-15-2011, 11:57 PM
Any other thoughts?

07-10-2011, 04:00 AM
Still looking for some feedback. :)

07-10-2011, 06:51 AM
The header as Eplexx said, is very sweet. I love the layout. Easy to navigate and find my way. Overall I would give your site a 11 out of 10.

12-09-2011, 03:08 AM
Just switched my style over to "holiday mode". The logo, header, and background are slightly altered from the normal style. Too much?


05-07-2012, 03:15 AM
Just did some minor updating to the showthread templates. In particular I really tried to cleanup the bottom area of showthread. I would love to get some feedback...here are a couple links to threads:


05-10-2012, 02:20 AM
Just completed some changes to my article forum...its a little more blog-looking now:

05-11-2012, 03:54 PM
I would recommend using some sort of cookie (jquery cookie) to control the popup for
You are visiting CaptiveReefs as a guest, please register or login to access our member features.

so when the x is clicked, it doesnt show up as long as the cookie is there.

Other than that, looks awesome :)

05-17-2012, 11:17 PM
Yeah the guest/signup think gets annoying after a few pages.
At any rate, I really like the appearance and feel of your forum, and I don't even have an interest in fish tanks. Great color and graphics usage. I found it easy to navigate although I couldn't find where in the world you're located.
The DIY projects caught my attention. Some interesting stuff. Electronic projects always have been an interest of mine.

06-08-2012, 02:19 AM
Thanks! I just changed its behavior so it will stay closed. I think I am going to attempt another solution rather than have the pop up.

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I also made some other tweeks to the site in the past couple days including

An animated background.

I also tweeked some other forum display pages:



this one is the most "stock looking" http://www.captivereefs.com/forum/basics/

Also made it so the forum icons show on the search page: http://www.captivereefs.com/forum/search.php?do=getdaily&days=100

Curious to get more feedback on the site.

06-11-2012, 01:08 AM
I just added a custom welcome banner and removed the annoying guest/signup thing.

Any review would be appreciated.

06-15-2012, 03:35 PM
Really good job with it. Beautiful design, easy to brand, it's clear what the site is about. Top notch work ;)