View Full Version : Redirect after domain change

05-28-2011, 07:16 PM
I'm going to move my forum to a different domain. To preserve the current links and SEO I'm looking for a way to redirect.

For example, when someone clicks on an old link: http://old-domain.com/showthread.php?398-Sleeping-Hard (http://old-domain.com/showthread.php?398-Sleeping-Hard) I want it to be redirected to the new domain URL: http://new-domain.com/showthread.php?398-Sleeping-Hard (http://new-domain.com/showthread.php?398-Sleeping-Hard)

Is it possible? How?

This would be extremely useful for me.


05-28-2011, 07:19 PM
If you own the domain just point it to new one or get host to perm redirect it for you

05-28-2011, 07:21 PM
This could help you

05-28-2011, 07:33 PM
Thanks for your replies. I'll look closer at the link you posted.

I forgot to mention that I'm splitting my forum between two domains. So some of the links will remain valid and some will have to be redirected. Is that possible?