View Full Version : Test forum problem

05-24-2011, 04:36 PM
I created a test forum per instructions on vb.com. I followed the instructions on admincp settings for the test forum but something's not right, and I believe it's with the cookies. When I reset the cookies for the test forum I could no longer log-in to my regular forum's admincp. It scared me so I changed everything back on the test forum and now all is well.

Another thing that happened is that the navbar I have in an ad at the top got totally screwed.

I'd like to have a test forum clone of my regular forum, but this experience has really made me nervous that something could get seriously screwed up in the process. I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions. Perhaps I've not included enough technical detail of what I did.


05-24-2011, 09:16 PM
Did you set a unique cookie prefix in the config.php file for your test site?

Also, you did make sure to change your config.php file and point to the new database, right? If so, then you shouldn't be nervous about playing with your test site.

05-25-2011, 07:11 AM
Hi Lynne. Yes, I set a unique cookie prefix called vbtest in config.php. I tried again and I still must have something misconfigured as I'm seeing recent forum posts as opposed to the test database clone which is about 10 days old. I'm not seeing the test database. I've also entered correct test database info (name, password, etc) in my config.php so it should be pointing to the correct test database location.

I'm wondering if the PATH TO SAVE COOKIES setting is incorrect. I point it to what I assume is the correct location where it says SUGGESTED SETTINGS. There's only one option that points to my test forum and I choose that one. Does the name of path to save cookies need to be the same as cookie prefix maybe?

What makes me more nervous than anything is getting locked out of my admincp and not being able to get back in to fix things. Any advice on avoiding that situation and/or how to deal with it if it should happen would be appreciated :)

05-25-2011, 04:15 PM
If you saved a copy of your database a few days ago to make the test site, then it definitely should NOT be showing recent posts from today in it. Do you have AdminCP > Settings > Options > Site Name/URL/etc > forum url set to the test site url?

05-25-2011, 04:59 PM
I did but changed it back because somehow it was connecting with my regular forum and it wouldn't allow me to sign back in to the admincp. Fortunately I had another tab open in admincp so I could change it back. Had I not, I think I might have been locked out. I've tried 2 more times entering all the URLs and all but the same thing happens. I'm not sure having a test forum is worth the risk and trouble!

05-25-2011, 05:11 PM
So, you are changing stuff in the database and not through the admincp? If so, where are you changing things in the database?

As a test site user myself, I would say having a test site is a necessity.

05-25-2011, 09:55 PM
No, I changed the settings in the admincp as instructed in Trevor's tutorial. i've not made any changes to the database clone which my hosting co. made for me. I've compared its size to my live database and it's smaller which indicates that the live one continues to grow and the clone does not.

I agree that having a forum for testing is much better than fiddling with the live one. I'll get it sorted out eventually. Thanks, Lynne :)