View Full Version : Mini Mods - Add Last Visit field to AdminCP

05-22-2011, 10:00 PM
What does it do?
This code change will add the Last Visit time field to the user edit screen in the AdminCP. Not sure why this hasn't been added to the standard code set but I've been wanting this for a while. I figured others might too. This does make a simple change to the vbulletin user.php file.

What to do:
To make the change do the following. Anytime you make a change you may want to make a copy of the file in case for some strange reason the fille get corrupted. Either that or just replace it with the originial file from the distribution zip.

1. Open the user.php file in your AdminCP folder in Notepad++ or your favor text editor.
2. Go to line 473. On or about line 478 will be the array element for lastpost. Insert
a new lastvisit array element after the lastpost array element which should look like the following:

$user = array(
'invisible' => $vbulletin->bf_misc_regoptions['invisiblemode'] & $vbulletin->options['defaultregoptions'] ? 1 : 0,
'daysprune' => -1,
'joindate' => TIMENOW,
'lastactivity' => TIMENOW,
'lastpost' => 0,
'lastvisit' => TIMENOW,
'adminemail' => $vbulletin->bf_misc_regoptions['adminemail'] & $vbulletin->options['defaultregoptions'] ? 1 : 0,
'showemail' => $vbulletin->bf_misc_regoptions['receiveemail'] & $vbulletin->options['defaultregoptions'] ? 1 : 0,
'receivepm' => $vbulletin->bf_misc_regoptions['enablepm'] & $vbulletin->options['defaultregoptions'] ? 1 : 0,

This array element will initialize the Last Visit Time field when manually adding a new member through the "Add new user" screen.

3. Find the "TIME FIELDS SECTION" of code which starts on or about line 935.
4. Insert the following line of code below the last activity field which is on or about line 941.

print_time_row($vbphrase['last_visit'], 'user[lastvisit]', $user['lastvisit']);

5. Save the file.

You're done.

Log into your adminCP and check your work. You should now have the Last Visit time field in the user edit screen.

Special Pages
05-22-2011, 11:32 PM
This is cool. Thanks again!

05-23-2011, 12:18 AM
What is difference between last activity and last visit? In image it's the same time.

05-23-2011, 12:46 AM
Your last activity can be different than your last visit. Your last activity changes like when you post or blog, etc. You can login and not do anything therefore your last activity may not change.
What you see on the screen shot is from "Add new user" edit screen. Join date, Last activity, and last visit default to the current date.

05-23-2011, 05:57 PM
Just checked my ACP on my own user profile and I get this.


I've just logged into my forum, not done anything else and the last Activity shows today's date and the time is from 3 minutes ago when I took the screen shot.

05-23-2011, 06:44 PM
Just checked my ACP on my own user profile and I get this.


I've just logged into my forum, not done anything else and the last Activity shows today's date and the time is from 3 minutes ago when I took the screen shot.

Ok. :confused: As I mentioned in a post or two up, the screen shot I took is from the "Add new user" screen. It's shows what it looks like after the code change.