View Full Version : Forum Customization

05-22-2011, 04:57 PM
Hi there,

I'm very sorry if this is in the wrong place. I'm hoping to make my forums look a bit more 'unique', but I'm unsure of the limits that are in place. I can look into making my own styles and themes, but I'd just like to know what other unique creations have been crafted using vBulletin's system. I've looked through the styles at length, but I mostly see similar works - different colours, but mostly it's the same layout.

For instance, is something similar to http://weekenders.b1.jcink.com/index.php?act=idx attainable with vbulletin? Mostly in regards to the stationary background, the resized forum box, the squared off look and the transparent outline.

Thank you for any help that can be provided to me.