View Full Version : Video embedding complaining - I have some

05-18-2011, 03:45 AM
I'm so aggravated with Photobucket, Youtube (on it's own), Streetfire etc video's not auto emedding themselves on my website. I've been active on 3.x boards for years and years, and they all have these video's emedding just fine, WITHOUT the need of members having to hit a [video] button. Admin's and moderators shouldn't have to explain that, especially on a paid software website tool.

Link's - Myself or any member should not have to hit a [url] button to post a simple link.

Am i asking or expecting too much from stock [paid] software? Am I missing something obvious?

Side note: yes I have the Youtube link Mod, and as great as that Mod is... it doesn;t cover all the different possibilities.
