View Full Version : Hacked by Team Poison

05-14-2011, 12:44 AM
I thought my site was down because I deleted something on accident but that's not the case. Recent modifications I've installed were VBIran's Alexa iframe in footer nitra1000's meebo, arrowchat, wibiya and apture scripts, mp3 files player and a mp3 attachments player. Also installed vbsoccer, fusseball, tournaments and ladders, xbox leadership board and cel photo pop ups.


I have a ninjapost forum where members from my vbulletin post whenever the site is down or undergoing upgrades. A member told me that hacked by Team Poison is showing up on the main site's tab but I don't see it. Can someone provide a screenshot? http://The8thLegion.com

I uninstalled Advanced Forum Rules last year. I've seen the recent posts about those hacks. I'm not sure if I actually removed the files from my server however.

I backed up the site yesterday when the site started acting weird but now I can't even get into CPanel. I asked my host to restore a back up.

05-14-2011, 12:57 AM
Not sure if this is what you mean. If not, please ignore my post and it's picture.

05-14-2011, 12:59 AM

05-14-2011, 01:01 AM
That looks more like a style issue.

05-14-2011, 02:43 AM
Oh okay. I'm switching over to XenForo


creating a new XenForo site + Rating site.

It really depends on how long it takes my host URLJET to restore a back-up.

I have my own back-ups but I can't do anything because I can't access Cpanel.