View Full Version : CMS large images

05-12-2011, 11:38 PM
Hi y'all,

I added a large image using the bbcode [IMG] tag to an article.
The article contain only one image, and the section contain only that article.
I setup the article to "Full Display in Section Page".
The image is %100 fit to the screen in the article; however, in the section the
image goes back to its original hight and width. Which make the image goes out of boundaries.
My questions are, is this a bug? if so, will it be fix in the next release? and how I can fix it?

Thank y'all for your help in advance!

05-13-2011, 04:33 AM
Can we see links to the pages to understand what is going on.

As for whether they are bugs, that is something you can look up over in Jira on vbulletin.com. And we also have no idea if it will be fixed in the next release - that is something to ask over at vbulletin.com. And, if there is a fix, it would be in the bug report... over on vbulletin.com.

05-13-2011, 07:22 AM
Hi Lynne,

I see you saw this post after you saw the one on vb.com :)
Please check on the one over at vb.com for an elaborate details.

Thank you!