View Full Version : Corrupt Administrator Group

05-05-2011, 12:16 PM
Hi there. I'm new here, and this is a first post. I hope I have placed it appropriately.

It would appear that my fairly new vBulletin install has had some sort of corruption to the Administrator group type. When I log in as Admin, I get the "thanks for logging in" message, and then I get dropped back out to the login screen.

If I log in with a second account I set up that also has Administrator privileges, I am able to log in, but I do not get the full Admin control panel, just a smaller subset of options.

I have verified that the second account does, indeed, have the same usergroupid as the Administrator group by running a couple of SQL queries using phpMyAdmin. I can supply screen shots to this effect, if that would be helpful.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as it would, indeed, be useful to actually access the Administrator role.

Thanks in advance.


05-05-2011, 12:23 PM
You could try adding the second administrator's userid to $config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] in includes/config.php. It won't fix the first one of course but it may let you access all the admin functions.

05-05-2011, 01:05 PM
@kh99, Thank you so much. That did, indeed, give me access to the full Admin panel. So that is great.

I guess the remaining question is, is there some way to fix the Administrator group itself, so that the other users with administrator access get the full panel? Or would I need to manually add them to the config.php file?

Appreciate your help greatly.


05-05-2011, 01:15 PM
I really don't know a lot about that stuff since I don't do it myself. I think you should only list the most trusted people (maybe just yourself) as superadmin. I think you can edit the Admin user group access somewhere in the ACP.

Lots of other people here are sure to know.

05-05-2011, 09:11 PM
Just adding the detail that if I create a new user (say, admin2), and give that user Administrator rights, I am able to log in with that user, but they do not see the full admincp. This is consistent for all users with Administrator rights.

So, is there a way to fix the Administrator usergroup that it behaves as originally intended?

Once again, any help is greatly appreciated.
