View Full Version : ratio in postbit

05-03-2011, 10:08 AM
<font size="3">Hi,
I have a request which may be very tough so I will settle for another easier solution in the end.

I am really surprised that VB doesn't have any mods or built in tools to show a ratio of posts vs. threads. I have an educational forum. What counts for me, is the thread count. If I find members not sharing their own work (threads), I move them to a group where they can't download till they start sharing again.

All mods here deal with post count which isn't really important because any member can just post a thank you every where and his post count goes up although his replies are all useless.

I am looking for a mod that shows in the postbit and that shows a member's ratio between threads and posts.
My members can't download any attachment without replying to the thread thus every post is for a downloaded file. I need them to know when they will be considered inactive thus will be moved to the inactive group. It will also help me to identify the members who only come in to download and go.

It's a teachers' forum where everyone is supposed to share his/her own work. If people just come to download, the forum will die.

So, can anyone help out with this?

I think if it was built into VB, it would be fantastic and in my opinion VB would be complete.


05-03-2011, 11:22 AM
First, you would need a thread count mod, like the following:


The rest shouldn't be too hard for someone to implement after that, I would think.

05-03-2011, 11:38 AM
I have it installed. It's really great and maybe the only one giving any relevance to threads over posts. So I can. now, see the thread and post count but I need some kind of ration mechanism that can be understood by members and me. Like if a member has 600 posts and only 10 threads, I need for him to know that if his ratio drops under a certain agreed upon ratio, he risks being depromoted to the inactive group.

What's your ideas? Can it be done? Thanks.

So sorry..just now I saw you are the coder for that great mod. You are brilliant indeed. Thank you so much for that mod. :)

05-03-2011, 11:56 AM
I'm sure it can be done. You would just need to do some division of the post and thread counts to get a percentage. If you look in the profile, I think I did that with this mod already.

05-03-2011, 04:54 PM
I looked at your profile. Some great mods there thank you. I didn't find what I need though plus I am using 3.8.6 till now. Not too crazy about version 4.

05-03-2011, 05:48 PM
Sorry, I didn't see that this was in the vb 3 area.

05-16-2011, 11:05 AM
Don't worry about it. Guys here is my idea again in case someone is interested in making it.
Let's say a member has 10 threads of his own and 10 posts ( posts on my forum count as downloads because a member can't download until he has replied) so the ratio would be 1. This is acceptable and if there was like the reputation bar something to show as green for example so the member knows he is safe. But if he has only 10 threads and say 30 posts, then the ratio bar would turn red warning him that he might be moved to the inactive group thus stopped from downloading till his ratio bar goes green again. How will it turn green? By sharing more threads. Hope you got the idea and would be great to achieve it. Thanks for your time.