View Full Version : Question for all of you.

05-01-2011, 09:36 PM
Hi All,

Question for all you seasoned forum/website owners.

I am almost done building my website/forums/cms, however i am still on the fence about one thing.

Should I leave the blog enabled or should I disable it? So basically, what advantage would this feature bring to the website and its members?

Unless I am missing something, what can a member post on a blog that he can't do in the forums?

05-03-2011, 01:13 PM
It's just an extra feature that you could offer to your members if they want their own personal blog but don't want to install their own wordpress/etc on their own domain or sign up for a free blogging site.

It's completely up to you if you think it's useful or not.

05-03-2011, 06:12 PM
It gives me a place to list the changes I make to the forum - upgrades, mods, etc. We tell users to take personal ramblings to their blog - the forum is for discussion.