View Full Version : Add-On Releases - vBulletin Raffles
04-29-2011, 10:00 PM
NOTE: This add-on is designed for use with vBulletin 4.1.1 or higher. It may not work with earlier versions of vBulletin.
Raffles, giveaways, and contests, whatever you wish to call them, are a great way to increase traffic on any forum.
Define a different prize image for each raffle.
Set raffle rules on a per raffle basis.
Set raffles to start in the future or on the day you create the raffle.
Allow One or more entries per user.
Allow multiple entries at one time if desired.
Admin settable time delay between user entries.
One or more prizes per raffle.
One or more winners per raffle (multiple winners require multiple prizes).
Allow members to win multiple times in one raffle if desired.
Display winning 'ticket' numbers if desired.
Selectable usergroups
Post count limit if desired.
Require Human Verification if desired.
Will show in Community Menu if desired.
Show active raffles in forum sidebar and/or in what's going on.
Automatic raffle draw via vBulletin scheduled tasks.
Manual raffle draw to override end date and/or scheduled draws.
Turn raffles on or off via admincp. (Only raffle admins can view raffles when they are turned off)
Support for just about any credit system such as vBCredits II, ICash, kBank and vbBux.
Support for AW Coding's Credit Purchase System so member can purchase "raffle tickets".
XHTML 1.0 Transitional validated (provided your current template passes the tests)
Laws about how raffles should be handled vary from location to location. Be sure to check with local authorities and to comply with any laws that may apply to you. The author of this add-on can not be held responsible if the use of this add-on results in any violation of local laws.
By downloading this add-on, you agree to abide by local laws and to hold the author of this add-on harmless for any damages that may occurr from the use of this add-on.
1) Upload the contents of the 'upload' folder to your forum's root.
(If your forum's location is, the root is /forums/)
2) Import the product XML file (product-raffles.xml) into the Product Manager in AdminCP.
3) If you want to view raffles on your site while the raffle system is turned off, go to AdminCP -> Usergroups -> Administrator Permissions select yourself and set "Can Admin Raffles" to 'Yes'.
4) Anyone you want to be able to administer raffles on your site must also have Administrator Permissions and have "Can Admin Raffles" set to 'Yes' or they will not be able to administer raffles.
5) Take some time to set the options in Raffle Settings.
6) Set up a raffle.
7) Make sure this add-on is marked as 'Installed' on!
(If you want to get notices from me about updates for this add-on.)
1) Upload the contents of the 'upload' folder to your forum's root.
(If your forum's location is, the root is /forums/)
2) Import the product XML file (product-raffles.xml) into the Product Manager in AdminCP and be sure 'Allow Overwrite' is set to 'Yes'.
3) If you are already using vBCredits you will need to go into Raffle Settings and set 'Use vBCredits' to 'Yes' and set 'vBCredits Currency' to the currency you are using. If you are using any other credit system, you will need to provide the information on what table, field and userid field are used by that credit system.
The whole system is pretty self explanatory, but there are a few things to keep in mind...
1) A default raffle image is supplied with the add-on. You must always supply an image for your raffles. You may change the default image if you like.
2) The entry period for raffles always end at 12:00am (midnight) on the day the raffle is to be drawn. (ie: Draw date is set 12/21/2011.. members can enter through 12/20/2011, the moment the date changes to 12/21/2011 no more entries are possible)
3) The scheduled task to draw the raffles is set to take place at 10:00am the day the raffle is to be drawn. You may change this by going to AdminCP->Scheduled Tasks->Scheduled Task Manager, find "Draw raffles", click on Edit and change the time of the draw to what you want it to be.
4) There are replacement variables used in several phrases. These are what the variables are:
raffle_agree: {1} = Forum name
raffle_eligible: {1} = Forum name {2} = Raffle name
raffle_message_body: {1} = Raffle name {2} = Draw date
raffle_message_close: {1} = Raffle admin name {2} = Phrase (raffle_admin_title)
raffle_message_salute: {1} = Winner name
raffle_recent: {1} = Time remaining before a user can enter again
raffle_winner_multi: {1} = Winner names for multiple raffle winners {2} = Raffle name
raffle_winner_one: {1} = Winner name for single raffle winner {2} = Raffle name
5) When adding a custom user profile field for this add-on, be sure to 'Private Field' is set to 'Yes' and 'Field Searchable on Member List' is set to 'No'.
6) If you don't want to have Raffles in the community menu, you can use a forum link to raffles.php.
* History (Changelog) *
1.4.6 (November 18, 2015)
- Fix - Missing code for sidebar block
1.4.5 (August 6, 2015)
- Fix - Error entering raffles with entry limit.
1.4.4 (August 29, 2013)
- Fix - XHTML 1.0 transitional validation errors in raffle sidebar box.
1.4.3 (March 15, 2013) (Never released on
- Change - Moved hard coded day, hour, minute, second words to vB phrases.
1.4.2 (September 1, 2012) (Released February 18, 2013 on
- Fix - Community menu navigation information missing from install xml.
- Fix - Raffle sideblock missing from install file (overlooked in version 1.4.0).
1.4.0 (August 13, 2012)
- Fix - Some servers not providing proper responses with direct MySQL calls. (usually nginx)
1.3.9 (June 28, 2012)
- Fix - Wrong phrase used for file upload error.
No need to import XML file if you are running version 1.3.8. Just upload files to server.
1.3.8 (June 27, 2012)
- Add - Ability to upload prize image from ACP.
NOTE: Depending on your server configuration, you may need to make your images/raffles folder writeable (776 or 777)
- Add - Option to prevent additional usergroups from entering a raffle.
1.3.7 (May 21, 2012)
- Add - Option to show old raffles on a different page than currrent raffles.
- Change - Removed raffle_bits template.
- Change - Made compatible with vB 4.2.0.
1.3.6 (March 12, 2012)
- Fix - Active raffle sideblock will no longer show if there are no active raffles.
1.3.5 (February 25, 2012) (Never released on
- Code enhancement for expansion.
1.3.4 (December 28, 2011)
- Add - Mass delete raffle entries (you must select a raffle in ACP->Raffles->Manage User Entries. The selection 'All Raffles' will not display a delete all option).
1.3.3 (October 5, 2011) (No need to install xml file if upgrading from 1.32 to 1.33. Just upload files to server)
- Fix raffle ticket purchase link for AWCoding Credit Purchase System Pro.
1.3.2A (September 29, 2011)
- Re-uploaded 1.3.2 with correct cpnav_raffles.xml file.
1.3.2 (September 29, 2011)
- Fix detection of AWCoding Credit Purchase System Lite (problem caused when fixing Pro detection).
1.3.1 (September 28, 2011)
- Improved user entry list in AdminCP.
- Fix detection of AWCoding Credit Purchase System Pro.
1.3.0 (August 29, 2011) (Uploaded a second time with proper sideblock code)
- Code enhancement for future expansion.
- Enabled CSRF protection.
1.2.9 (August 24, 2011) (never uploaded here)
- Code enhancement for future expansion.
- Unregistered users can now see raffles in WGO and forum sidebar if they are allowed.
- Fix members no longer able to view and enter raffles scheduled in the future.
1.2.8 (August 1, 2011) (never uploaded here)
- Code enhancement for future expansion.
1.2.7 (August 1, 2011)
- Restored AWCPS patch to install script.
- Restored forum sidebar block to install script.
- Restored missing option to show image in sidebar block.
1.2.6 (July 20, 2011)
- Moved 'Allow Multiple Wins' from main settings to individual raffle settings. (user requested)
1.2.5 (July 16, 2011)
- Added Debug Logging option to raffle system. (v1.2.4 was never uploaded)
1.2.3 (July 15, 2011)
- MAJOR FIX - Fix raffle draw so no duplicates happen when allow multiple wins is set to no (finally found bug in 3.8.x version).
1.2.2 (July 11, 2011)
- Fix members can no longer enter multiple times by using the back button on their browser. (reported in vB 3.8.7 version)
1.2.1 (July 6, 2011)
- Fix Allow multiple wins to one member now works.
- Fix database error when no members enter raffle.
- Removed un-needed left joins in some DB queries that were needed in original release.
1.2.0 (July 4, 2011)
- Fix raffle draw time now displays in members's usercp chosen time zone format.
1.1.9 (July 3, 2011)
- Fix error in scheduled task when multiple prizes are awarded.
- Changed copyright so it only displays on raffle pages.
1.1.8 (June 17, 2011)
- Fix SQL error when 'Show Raffles Already Drawn' is set to 'No'.
1.1.7 (June 8, 2011)
- Added maximum picture width option for raffle detail page.
1.1.6 (June 6, 2011)
- Fix PMs not being sent with automated draw.
1.1.5 (June 2, 2011)
- Fix vBCredits error created in version 1.1.1.
- Minor code change to make system compatible with PHP 5.3.x
1.1.4 (June 1, 2011)
- Database table creation change to make it compatible with MySQL 5.5.8
1.1.3 (May 30, 2011)
- Added option to show raffle image in forum sidebar block.
- Added sidebar block image width setting.
- Added vBulletin minimum version 4.0.4 check.
- Changed database creation method.
1.1.2 (May 26, 2011)
- Fix system checking for credits when it shouldn't.
1.1.1 (May 26, 2011)
- Fix 'Other Credit System' saying not enough credits when member has enough.
1.1.0 (May 24, 2011)
- Added option to show the scheduled draw time on raffle pages.(user requested)
1.0.9 (May 21, 2011)
- Fix unregistered members unable to see raffles when they are allowed.
1.0.8 (May 16, 2011)
- Fix blank screen after entry.
- Fix redirect error.
- Fix default maximum entries.
1.0.7 (May 12, 2011)
- Added option to show who has entered raffles.(user requested)
- Reduced database queries by 1.
- Moved vBCredits log phrase to vBulletin phrases.
- Fixed bug where raffle sidebar was being displayed when raffles were turned off.
1.0.6 (May 10, 2011)
- Added the ability to allow multiple entries to be submitted at one time.(user requested)
- Added display of the number of entries a member has submitted to raffle detail page.(user requested)
- Added support for AW Coding's Credit Purchase System. (allows use of different payment systems to purchase 'tickets')
- Added transaction logging for vBCredits (thanks to Darkwaltz4 for info)
- Added minimum/maximum value checks.
- Added option to display winning "ticket" number(s) with winner name(s).(user requested)
- Added option to allow members to only win once per raffle.(user requested)
- Added PM to raffle admin if raffle couldn't be drawn when scheduled.
- Added ability to set a start date other than the day raffle was created.(user requested)
- Stray hardcoded phrase moved to vB phrases.
- Fixed bug where sent PMs were being saved in admin sent box when raffle was drawn manually even if option is set to no in settings.
- Fixed bug where only one winner was being displayed in admin area for a multi-prize raffle when raffle was drawn manually.
1.0.5 (May 4, 2011)
- Sidebar and Current Raffle templates now cached
- Fixed bug where entry limits over 999 only allowed 1 entry.
- Fixed missing phrases on new installs.
- Added support for vBCredits, ICash, kBank and vbBux. (user requested)
1.0.4 (May 3, 2011)
- Sidebar block now installs automatically when the add-on is installed.
1.0.3 (May 3, 2011)
- Added option to display current raffles in What's Going On (Displays what raffles are available for the member's usergroup). (user requested)
- Added Sidebar Block template and instructions in ReadMe on how to add a Current Raffle Block. (user requested)
- Added Banned Usergroup setting for usergroups forbidden to use or see the raffle system. (user requested via PM)
- Modified Raffle Admin so banned usergroups do not show up when creating or editing a raffle.
1.0.2 (May 2, 2011)
- Fixed "Enter Through" date display. (was not following vBulletin date display settings)
- Slight change to database routines so they all go directly through vBulletin.
1.0.1 (April 30, 2011)
- Added check to be sure files are uploaded to server (NO NEED TO DOWNLOAD IF YOU ALREADY HAVE 1.0.0 INSTALLED)
1.0.0 (April 30, 2011)
- Initial Release
* Known Working on vB Versions *
4.1.1 through 4.2.1
04-30-2011, 03:55 PM
Really like this installing now.
04-30-2011, 06:13 PM
Really like this installing now.
Please be sure to mark it installed so you get notification of any updates I may release.
04-30-2011, 06:22 PM
Superb mod we arent using 4.1 yet but will make sure to test out when we do!
Nice to see this sorta thing added now to Vbull thanks
04-30-2011, 06:42 PM
Just a quick update i couldnt wait to test it so went ahead and it seems A1 on 4.0.6 :)
04-30-2011, 06:47 PM
Just a quick update i couldnt wait to test it so went ahead and it seems A1 on 4.0.6 :)
Thank you. That's good to know!
My dev server only has 4.1.1 on it and the live server it's been tested on is running 4.1.3.
04-30-2011, 07:11 PM
Awesome idea, will make use of that in the future.
04-30-2011, 07:23 PM
Nhawk do you have any plans on a lotto system the same as this as that would be a great add on too!
04-30-2011, 07:27 PM
Nhawk do you have any plans on a lotto system the same as this as that would be a great add on too!
I have considered it. ;)
04-30-2011, 09:31 PM
This is so similar to one I had coded back on 3.8.x it is really nice to see something like this available on 4.x
You can see it here in action:
Just one suggestion tho, have you considered adding tokens? so to buy a raffle ticket you have to use tokens. Tokens can be from any points mod like vbcredits, vbux etc.
04-30-2011, 10:40 PM
This is great! :up:
Will it be available for 3.8x as well?
This is so similar to one I had coded back on 3.8.x it is really nice to see something like this available on 4.x
Just one suggestion tho, have you considered adding tokens? so to buy a raffle ticket you have to use tokens. Tokens can be from any points mod like vbcredits, vbux etc.
Hornstar, where is your 3.8.x version? I just searched and couldn't find it.
04-30-2011, 11:08 PM
How does it choose winners?
I mean, can this mod also pick winners automatically?
05-01-2011, 05:20 AM
Yes you can manually close the raffle and a winner is choosen by the system as it does as well when the date comes the raffle ends
05-01-2011, 10:27 AM
This is great! :up:
Will it be available for 3.8x as well?
I may port it to 3.8. I want to see how things go with 4.x first.
(and I'll have to re-install 3.8 on my dev server) :D
05-01-2011, 10:29 AM
I may port it to 3.8. I want to see how things go with 4.x first.
Sounds great, I'll keep an eye on things and hopefully they go well :up:
05-01-2011, 10:41 AM
Installing it now....
05-01-2011, 11:27 AM
Just one suggestion tho, have you considered adding tokens? so to buy a raffle ticket you have to use tokens. Tokens can be from any points mod like vbcredits, vbux etc.
To be honest, I have no clue how vbcredits works.
I would need to know where the credits are stored and what the field name is to check, and subtract credits.
05-01-2011, 01:52 PM
Awesome, awesome mod. Wish I had something like this a long time ago, props to you!
I'm running 4.0.2 so don't know if it will work but I'll give it a shot.
05-01-2011, 01:54 PM
To be honest, I have no clue how vbcredits works.
I would need to know where the credits are stored and what the field name is to check, and subtract credits.
This is just a suggestion, and likely complicated to implement, but I have done this manually with raffles in the past.
The credits are a good idea and I use rep points as my credit system.
The reason being, I would use a raffle to stimulate activity. Users get rep points based on participation, creating threads, making posts, etc. So, the more they participate on the board, the more entries in my raffles they would get.
Just something to consider, really gives a board a nice shot in the arm.
05-01-2011, 02:23 PM
If you look on the above link you will see the is a text overlap....any way to fix this?:up:
05-01-2011, 02:55 PM
hi, the sql data don't run, I can have them in a text file please? because when I click on link in "community" this database error appear,Database error in vBulletin 4.1.3:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM raffle
MySQL Error : Table '413.raffle' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Sunday, May 1st 2011 @ 05:54:23 PM
Error Date : Sunday, May 1st 2011 @ 05:54:24 PM
Script : http://localhost/413/raffles.php
Referrer : http://localhost/413/forum.php
IP Address :
Username : mitch
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.5.9-log but in acp mod work fine, what's wrong?
05-01-2011, 02:57 PM
If you look on the above link you will see the is a text overlap....any way to fix this?:up:
1) Style Manager->Edit Templates->CSS Templates
Edit raffle.css
Change the value shown for width in this area to 90%:
.raffledata {
float: {vb:stylevar left};
clear: {vb:stylevar right};
color: {vb:stylevar rafflebits_text_color};
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
05-01-2011, 03:18 PM
hi, the sql data don't run, I can have them in a text file please? because when I click on link in "community" this database error appear, but in acp mod work fine, what's wrong?
There's no reason it shouldn't run on the main page (no matter where it's linked from) because both admincp and raffles use the same sql query with only one minor difference.
In both admincp and raffles if "Show Raffles Already Drawn" is set to 'Yes':
In raffles if "Show Raffles Already Drawn" is set to 'No':
"SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "raffle WHERE enddate > $timenow ORDER BY id DESC"
05-01-2011, 03:57 PM
Worked a treat many thanks.
05-01-2011, 04:21 PM
I checked in phpmyadmin and table raffle & raffle entries don't exist
05-01-2011, 04:32 PM
I checked in phpmyadmin and table raffle & raffle entries don't exist
Silly question..
Did you do this?
2) Import the product XML file (product-raffles.xml) into the Product Manager in AdminCP.
If not, that is when the tables are created.
05-01-2011, 04:52 PM
Worked a treat many thanks.
There is one thing I noticed with your raffle...
If you aren't experimenting with the system, you have user entries set to 1 and a time limit of 7 days.
If you want your members to be able to enter every 7 days, increase the number of entries to the maximum total entries you want each member to have.
Either that of set the time limit to zero and your members will only be able to enter once.
It boils down to there's no need to set a time limit if the maximum entries allowed is set to 1.
(I also noticed something I need to fix for our friends outside of north america.. the date format is wrong on the raffle pages for you folks. I'll release a fix for that tomorrow.)
05-01-2011, 06:07 PM
Nice plugin, good work!
05-02-2011, 12:15 AM
Installed, tested and works terrific, one thing though. When a user purchases a chance, nothing is traded, for example, cash, credit. Can you incorporate paypal into this so a user can buy a chance for $5 or whatever price the ticket is? Also, can you make the current raffles appear in the sidebar(forumbllock), and maybe current raffles at footer, just so users know there is actually a raffle going on when they see forumhome? Other then that, it's fundamentally perfect!
05-02-2011, 12:42 AM
I've been running raffles for 5 years on my forum and have raffled at over $40,000 worth of products. I've been anxious to see a mod come out, but I would have liked to see some other features - most importantly, the ability for members to actually purchase tickets; perhaps setup with various payment processors. Is this possible? I would be willing to pay for this option. This is also mentioned by mikem164 in the above post.
And please, before anyone mentions it... I know my state laws pertaining to raffles and I know my merchant account rules pertaining to raffles. And I would strongly suggest the same for anyone planning to run raffles on their website.
05-02-2011, 04:56 AM
Silly question..
Did you do this?
If not, that is when the tables are created.of course, but I don't understand why this hack work in acp and not on the index, and the tables don't appear in phpmyadmin( tested on localhost)
05-02-2011, 08:19 AM
Very nice mod!
05-02-2011, 11:04 AM
Installed, tested and works terrific, one thing though. When a user purchases a chance, nothing is traded, for example, cash, credit. Can you incorporate paypal into this so a user can buy a chance for $5 or whatever price the ticket is?
I do believe, there are add-ons that allow purchases and can move members to a specific user group for a specific period of time.
In fact, I know of a site that uses AW-Coding Donations for this very purpose.
Once the member is in a different usergroup, you can allow them to enter the raffles.
But I'll add this to the wish list.
Also, can you make the current raffles appear in the sidebar(forumbllock), and maybe current raffles at footer, just so users know there is actually a raffle going on when they see forumhome? Other then that, it's fundamentally perfect!
I'll put these on the wish list. :)
05-02-2011, 11:18 AM
of course, but I don't understand why this hack work in acp and not on the index, and the tables don't appear in phpmyadmin( tested on localhost)
Uninstall the version you have and try today's update. I made a minor change to how the database is accessed. This might cure your problem.
Be sure to overwrite the php files when you upload them to your server.
05-03-2011, 02:25 AM
Im getting a white page one I enable the mod. Any ideas?
Problem fix by updating thanks
05-03-2011, 06:33 PM
tagged :)
05-04-2011, 12:06 AM
thanks Nhawk, but I don't want to move users to a specific usergroup...LOL But the paypal to purchase a ticket is way up there on the list!! Thanks and will check back frequently to see your update... You think u may have done by Saturday? LOL Just kidding, but I really want it!! Keep up the good work, and if ya need a tester to buy tickets, shoot me a PM with messenger info.
Thanks, MIke
05-04-2011, 02:02 PM
working great on vb 4.0.8 thanks
05-04-2011, 03:47 PM
Finaly i have been looking for a mod like this for like 2 years now :D
gonna test it out, and if I like it ill ask for your paypal ;)
05-04-2011, 03:57 PM
Finaly i have been looking for a mod like this for like 2 years now :D
gonna test it out, and if I like it ill ask for your paypal ;)
Just click "Support Developer" on the right side of the first post. ;)
05-04-2011, 03:58 PM
Today's update includes support for vBCredits, ICash, kBank and vbBux.
If you have any one of these installed, when you add a raffle you will see the option to enter a cost for entering the raffle.
I think those might take care of the request for PayPal integration too. Yes? No?
05-04-2011, 04:04 PM
Today's update includes support for vBCredits, ICash, kBank and vbBux.
If you have any one of these installed, when you add a raffle you will see the option to enter a cost for entering the raffle.
I think that might take care of the request for PayPal integration too. Yes? No?
The day after I pay someone to do it for me,
05-04-2011, 04:09 PM
The day after I pay someone to do it for me,
LOL doesn't it always work that way? ;)
05-04-2011, 04:11 PM
Does this new update allow the person to buy multiple tickets at a time?
05-04-2011, 04:14 PM
Does this new update allow the person to buy multiple tickets at a time?
In a manner of speaking it always has.
When "Entries Permitted" is set to something higher than 1, the member can enter as many times as they like up to the maximum allowed.
If you mean, is there a prompt for how many to buy, no. Each entry must be done one at a time.
05-04-2011, 04:20 PM
In a manner of speaking it always has.
When "Entries Permitted" is set to something higher than 1, the member can enter as many times as they like up to the maximum allowed.
If you mean, is there a prompt for how many to buy, no. Each entry must be done one at a time.
In that case my paying someone wasn't a total loss :D lol
05-04-2011, 04:25 PM
I actually do keep track of requests from users. It's just a matter of when I have time to work on them. ;)
05-04-2011, 04:26 PM
I actually do keep track of requests from users. It's just a matter of when I have time to work on them. ;)
oh yeah, no worries...I was in a hurry :D
05-05-2011, 12:13 PM
Today's update includes support for vBCredits, ICash, kBank and vbBux.
If you have any one of these installed, when you add a raffle you will see the option to enter a cost for entering the raffle.
I think those might take care of the request for PayPal integration too. Yes? No?
So what you're saying is these can be incorporated so that people can buy a ticket via VbCredits, Icash, etc? with real $$? If so, which one if any uses an API so that they can't go all the way to paypal screen to buy credits, then back out and still end up with the credits, as I noticed the donation bar shows a donation if a user goes to PP screen and then backs out.
Thanks for the hard work man!
05-05-2011, 12:23 PM
So what you're saying is these can be incorporated so that people can buy a ticket via VbCredits, Icash, etc? with real $$? If so, which one if any uses an API so that they can't go all the way to paypal screen to buy credits, then back out and still end up with the credits, as I noticed the donation bar shows a donation if a user goes to PP screen and then backs out.
Thanks for the hard work man!
After a little more research, none of those have a PayPal api. So far as I can tell, they just issue a form of credit for doing various things on a board. It's deceiving because some of those call the credit "money". If I'm wrong about that, I hope someone corrects me.
I am waiting for a reply from AWJunkies about his Credit Purchase System. If I get his permission to patch two of the plugins included with that system, then that will serve as an API to the various processors.
05-05-2011, 12:31 PM
Just so everyone knows, I can't patch another persons work without their permission.
It may be a while before I hear from AWJunkies since I haven't seen him in Live Messenger for quite some time now.
05-05-2011, 12:57 PM
vBcredits has an add-on option to purchase 'credits' with PayPal. So, in effect, this would work using vBcredits as your 'currency'.
05-05-2011, 01:04 PM
vBcredits has an add-on option to purchase 'credits' with PayPal. So, in effect, this would work using vBcredits as your 'currency'.
Well, then that's perfect! Thank you for correcting my poor assumption. :)
If AWJunkies gets back to me, his Credit Purchase System would also fit quite well for purchasing raffle tickets. His system is the only one I know of that lets the user define custom values for what the purchase is for and saves that info into user defined areas of the database.
Again if I'm wrong, please do correct me. ;)
The only reason I'm not coding a complete purchase interface is because there are quite a few out there already. I see no sense in reinventing the wheel. And most of those already include multiple processors.
05-05-2011, 01:20 PM
FANTASTIC! I'll give VbCredits a go and report back...thank you sir(s)!
05-05-2011, 02:36 PM
Update: Installed VBcredits II and I looked and see nothing in there to allow user to purchase credit... If u could elaborate a little MagicThemeParks that would be great. I also looked into Ucash and no good there either.
05-05-2011, 03:22 PM
Update: Installed VBcredits II and I looked and see nothing in there to allow user to purchase credit... If u could elaborate a little MagicThemeParks that would be great. I also looked into Ucash and no good there either.
It's not a standard feature, I believe it is an addon to the pro version (I can't get to their site from work though).
05-05-2011, 11:22 PM
You're right Staxed, it's 'free' with the deluxe version of vBCredits:
05-06-2011, 12:48 AM
You're right Staxed, it's 'free' with the deluxe version of vBCredits:
I took your advice, downloaded, installed and searched and searched and couldn't find it. Here's why:
REad post #265 in this post...---->
If you said I "think" it's available in the free deluxe version, I would have checked before hand.
I'm not opposed to buying it, but, there's 5 other mods that do this same thing that may, I'm gonna do more research 1st.
And to Nhawk...THanks for your work!
05-06-2011, 12:56 AM
I never mentioned that it was available in the free version.
I myself paid for it before John went to DBTech for another site and it was well worth the money.
05-06-2011, 10:36 PM
yes u did. You said exactly that, I quoted you in above post, which led me to investigate, I know I make sure I'm right before offering advice which may cause someone extra time and confusion. I downloaded the Deluxe version, and it's not included FREE.
05-07-2011, 09:47 AM
at last, the mod everyone has been waiting for (or lots anyway).
Will install this later today
05-08-2011, 12:57 AM
I have a request / suggestion for this wonderful mod.
It would be great of you can set a start date. So you can make raffles for the next month. (that don't start when you make a new raffle)
I just tested 1 raffle with 3 prizes. I bought 3 tickets and won 3 prizes. ^^
Would it be hard to implement that 1 user can only win 1 prize per raffle?
Edit: It is possible when you let them only take 1 ticket. But it would benifit the overall activity of the forum members if they can buy like 1 ticket every day.
Thanks and have a nice day!
05-08-2011, 11:20 AM
I have a request / suggestion for this wonderful mod.
It would be great of you can set a start date. So you can make raffles for the next month. (that don't start when you make a new raffle)
I just tested 1 raffle with 3 prizes. I bought 3 tickets and won 3 prizes. ^^
Would it be hard to implement that 1 user can only win 1 prize per raffle?
Edit: It is possible when you let them only take 1 ticket. But it would benifit the overall activity of the forum members if they can buy like 1 ticket every day.
Thanks and have a nice day!
As with any real raffle, if someone enters the raffle multiple times, there is a chance they will win multiple times.
But I do expect to release another update sometime next week. I may be able to sneak in an option for one prize per member.
05-08-2011, 12:48 PM
Thanks for your reply. For the mean time I will only allow users to get 1 ticket.
I really appreciate the work you have put into this mod. For some reason nothing hapens when I click the Support developer button above.
I don't want to be to demanding but I have an other suggestion.
At the moment you can only set 1 image for the prize(s).
On my raffles I usually give away multiple prizes, like a first second and third price.
It would be great if you can specify those prices. like a different image and description per prize.
Anyway pm me your paypal account so I can support you with some fiat money ;)
05-08-2011, 01:35 PM
Thanks for your reply. For the mean time I will only allow users to get 1 ticket.
I really appreciate the work you have put into this mod. For some reason nothing hapens when I click the Support developer button above.
I don't want to be to demanding but I have an other suggestion.
At the moment you can only set 1 image for the prize(s).
On my raffles I usually give away multiple prizes, like a first second and third price.
It would be great if you can specify those prices. like a different image and description per prize.
Anyway pm me your paypal account so I can support you with some fiat money ;)
This can already be done.
Winners are listed in the order they were drawn, so in a 3 prize raffle the first name is first place, second name second place, third name third place.
You can define additional images in the description of the raffle using the img BB Code.
So, you would use the First Place Prize as the main image and add second and third in the raffle description. Something like this...
First Place Winner wins the prize in main picture
Second Place Winner Gets..
your second place image here
Third Place Winner Gets..
your third place image here
05-08-2011, 03:08 PM
I have already replied to this mod - which is an outstanding start - but it absolutely needs the ability for someone to actually PAY for a ticket(s) immediately with actual funds. If a member buys (for example) 12 tickets and then wins, you now have to chase that member for your money.
So I ask... is the ability for members to purchase tickets via Paypay (for example) going to be implemented?
05-08-2011, 03:20 PM
Thanks for the reply & solution.
ps check your paypal ;)
@ Biggeorge,
You could use the forum Paid Subscriptions for this. but I think you don't want that.
05-08-2011, 04:36 PM
I have already replied to this mod - which is an outstanding start - but it absolutely needs the ability for someone to actually PAY for a ticket(s) immediately with actual funds. If a member buys (for example) 12 tickets and then wins, you now have to chase that member for your money.
So I ask... is the ability for members to purchase tickets via Paypay (for example) going to be implemented?
See this post..
There are already mods out there that would allow the purchase of tickets and/or credits. So, there's no sense in my reinventing the wheel.
The release that will probably come this week will have support for AW Coding's Credit Purchase System. Which would allow members to purchase tickets with actual cash prior to entering the raffles.
The only hang up is, I'm not sure if the patch I want to make is intentionally left out of the free version or not. I will release support for it this week without the patch in the hope that the paid version supports it properly.
05-08-2011, 04:54 PM
Thanks for the reply & solution.
ps check your paypal ;)
Thank you very much. :)
05-08-2011, 05:07 PM
See this post..
There are already mods out there that would allow the purchase of tickets and/or credits. So, there's no sense in my reinventing the wheel.
Using a third/fourth party to buy "credits" isn't versatile when running a large-scale raffle. I'm not asking you to reinvent the wheel at all... I'm just suggesting that when running a raffle or contest that collecting real funds upfront is imperative. Therefore, implementing Paypal to purchase tickets instantly would be fantastic. I would absolutely pay for a mod that did this.
Also, I'm unaware of any other raffle system like yours with management through the ACP.
05-08-2011, 05:37 PM
Any word on the 3.8.x version?
Special Pages
05-08-2011, 11:35 PM
May I ask, what is the PayPal feature for then?
05-08-2011, 11:47 PM
Any chance to have option to show list of member who have entered on the raffle page, or list all members who entered once draw is made. It just helps with make the draw look a bit more trustworthy
Thanks, great mod anyway, works perfect
Any word on the 3.8.x version?
wont this do
As for those nagging for paypal option, won't using standard vb subscription system to add an additional usergroup with ability to purchase tickets work. :)
05-09-2011, 09:35 AM
wont this do
Thank you
05-09-2011, 11:22 AM
Using a third/fourth party to buy "credits" isn't versatile when running a large-scale raffle. I'm not asking you to reinvent the wheel at all... I'm just suggesting that when running a raffle or contest that collecting real funds upfront is imperative. Therefore, implementing Paypal to purchase tickets instantly would be fantastic. I would absolutely pay for a mod that did this.
Also, I'm unaware of any other raffle system like yours with management through the ACP.
Answer to BOLD area in quote: Look at AWCoding's Credit Purchase System. That is exactly what it is capable of doing when using the custom Purchase Setting in that add-on. The next release of the raffle system will include a new user field to allow that system to add "raffle tickets" to a member's account. And if a member doesn't have any "raffle tickets", they will be given an option to purchase them.
In any event, it seems we differ in our logic.
You seem to be looking at it like entering the raffle and purchasing a raffle ticket are one in the same.
When in reality, they are two separate and distinct functions. A member must first purchase a raffle ticket. Then they can enter the raffle.
Think of it this way.. You're at a carnival and you want to get on a ride. You can't get on the ride before you purchase a ticket for that ride. If you try to get on the ride without a ticket, they'll send you to purchase one at the ticket booth.
Whether using credits or virtual raffle tickets, the raffle is the same way. You must first purchase the credits or tickets you need, then you may enter the raffle.
So far as the management being in the acp... That will not change. That was a requirement from the people that first approached me about this add-on. And it makes sense to have a system that is as secure as can be when dealing with tangible items being given away.
05-10-2011, 04:47 PM
Many additions in today's release.
Most user requests have been added to the raffle system.
05-10-2011, 08:18 PM
Hi, thanks for the update,
Just wondered if it would be possible in a later update to include the option to show a list of all members who have entered/bought tickets for the raffle.
Members currently entered
user1, user2, user3...etc etc
This saves having to keep checking in admincp and some members seem to think it looks fairer when they can see who else has entered
05-10-2011, 09:15 PM
Hi, thanks for the update,
Just wondered if it would be possible in a later update to include the option to show a list of all members who have entered/bought tickets for the raffle.
Members currently entered
user1, user2, user3...etc etc
This saves having to keep checking in admincp and some members seem to think it looks fairer when they can see who else has entered
I'll see what I can do for next week. Maybe earlier, but I have been kind of busy. ;)
05-12-2011, 10:36 AM
I love this thing...
Two things that I see...
Can you have the images auto sized? I just uploaded one that was huge. It would same time if that was possible. If not, I will just have to do it before.
When you enter the raffle, it goes to a blank screen, can't there be a message that states that you entry has been recorded.Thanks,
05-12-2011, 11:49 AM
I love this thing...
Two things that I see...
Can you have the images auto sized? I just uploaded one that was huge. It would same time if that was possible. If not, I will just have to do it before.
The problem with autosizing the image on the raffle detail page is that it would work very well for downsizing, but when upsizing, the more it's upsized the less quality the graphic would have.
So, you'll have to do a little preparation of your images before setting up the raffle.
When you enter the raffle, it goes to a blank screen, can't there be a message that states that you entry has been recorded. Thanks,
It should not go to a blank page, you should get a redirect page that says the raffle has been entered.
If you could post your settings in Raffle Settings and the settings for the raffle that is doing this, I can try to duplicate and correct the problem.
05-12-2011, 11:13 PM
It should not go to a blank page, you should get a redirect page that says the raffle has been entered.
If you could post your settings in Raffle Settings and the settings for the raffle that is doing this, I can try to duplicate and correct the problem.
Not sure exactly how to do this so...
I didn't change anything but the first three were changed to yes.
Raffle Settings:
Start Date 05-12-2011
Draw Date 05-13-2011
Entry Rules enter to win...nothing. LOL
Required Posts 0
Allowed User Groups 7
Maximum Entries PermittedT 1
Time Between Entries 0
Entries in Time Period 1
Number of Prizes 1 Raffle Winner(s)
05-13-2011, 10:18 AM
Not sure exactly how to do this so...
I didn't change anything but the first three were changed to yes.
Raffle Settings:
Start Date 05-12-2011
Draw Date 05-13-2011
Entry Rules enter to win...nothing. LOL
Required Posts 0
Allowed User Groups 7
Maximum Entries PermittedT 1
Time Between Entries 0
Entries in Time Period 1
Number of Prizes 1 Raffle Winner(s)
I can't seem to duplicate your problem no matter what I try.
I can only suggest updating to version 1.0.7 to see if that cures the problem. If that doesn't do it, then I'll need to know what version of VB you're running so I can see if I can duplicate it in that version.
05-14-2011, 07:07 AM
Thankyou for your quick update, This mod is almost perfect for me now,
If I was being picky I would say the only thing that is lacking is it would be nice to be able to display the time the draw will take place not just the date
Your support and response to feedback has been superb so far,
Thanks again,
After installing the newest updated version when trying to enter the raffle members are getting a message must enter the raffle one or more times? Any help would be appreciated.
05-15-2011, 11:36 PM
My members are getting a white screen when trying to enter a raffle since the upgrade.
They are still added to the raffle but they get white screen on firefox.
On chrome they get message
The website encountered an error while retrieving /raffles.php. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
help please :)
05-16-2011, 06:19 AM
Great mod
work in 4.0.4?
05-16-2011, 10:39 AM
After installing the newest updated version when trying to enter the raffle members are getting a message must enter the raffle one or more times? Any help would be appreciated.
If the raffle was already running when you installed the newest version, edit the raffle and set the entries in time period to 1.
05-16-2011, 10:50 AM
My members are getting a white screen when trying to enter a raffle since the upgrade.
They are still added to the raffle but they get white screen on firefox.
On chrome they get message
The website encountered an error while retrieving /raffles.php. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
help please :)
I tested this in Firefox and the redirect screen comes up. I'm not sure what is happening, but I will look for the problem.
EDIT: Fevredsuk.. thank you for the info on Chrome, that pointed me in the right direction. I should have a fix out sometime today.
If the raffle was already running when you installed the newest version, edit the raffle and set the entries in time period to 1.
This is a completely new Raffle since upgrading to the newest version. Can you tell me if I am not using any of the vbucks and all those new payment methods you put into the update will I still be able to just conduct a free just click enter no posting points blah blah blah needed to enter? Your 1.0.5 version did not have any register issues not sure If I am doing something wrong?
05-16-2011, 11:59 AM
This is a completely new Raffle since upgrading to the newest version. Can you tell me if I am not using any of the vbucks and all those new payment methods you put into the update will I still be able to just conduct a free just click enter no posting points blah blah blah needed to enter? Your 1.0.5 version did not have any register issues not sure If I am doing something wrong?
If you're not using any of the credit systems, you can still run a free raffle just like in the original versions. That is the first thing I test with each change.
I'll be uploading version 1.0.8 very soon. I can only suggest installing that version and see if the problem persists. If it does, send me a PM with all of the settings for your raffles (raffle settings and the raffle itself) and your site address so I can see what is happening.
05-16-2011, 12:18 PM
Great mod
work in 4.0.4?
I have no way of testing 4.0.4.
You can try installing it and let us know if it works or not. ;)
05-16-2011, 11:00 PM
EDIT: Fevredsuk.. thank you for the info on Chrome, that pointed me in the right direction. I should have a fix out sometime today.
sorted Thanks
05-17-2011, 06:42 AM
I have no way of testing 4.0.4.
You can try installing it and let us know if it works or not. ;)
Work work work :D
05-21-2011, 06:46 AM
Guest don't see the raffle?
05-21-2011, 09:32 AM
Guest don't see the raffle?
If you mean unregistered/not logged in, you need to allow them to see it. Check banned usergroups in Raffle settings.
05-21-2011, 09:37 AM
don't have banned usergroups in Raffle settings, and I set unregistered between allowed user groups for every single raffle :(
05-21-2011, 10:13 AM
Sorry, my brain wasn't working properly. I just got up and hadn't had my morning coffee yet. ;)
An unregistered member can not enter a raffle. They don't have a userid number that can be attributed to a name.
05-21-2011, 10:23 AM
I believed unregistered member can enter a raffle :)
I see in other forum is possible but use vB 4.1.3
can possible enter link of that forum or is forbidden?
05-21-2011, 10:29 AM
I believed unregistered member can enter a raffle :)
I see in other forum is possible but use vB 4.1.3
can possible enter link of that forum or is forbidden?
I've seen links to other sites here. So, I don't think it's a problem.
But, the ability to enter an unregistered user into the raffle using my add-on is not possible. There is no provision for an unregistered member to enter their name and other needed information.
05-21-2011, 10:32 AM
this is link
05-21-2011, 10:41 AM
this is link
OK, I see what the problem is.
You don't want them to be able to enter the raffle, you want them to be able to see it.
Give me a few minutes and I'll post the fix.
05-21-2011, 10:46 AM
wow :D
05-21-2011, 10:49 AM
OK, download version 1.0.9 and just upload the files to your server. There's no need to run the install xml again for this fix.
One other thing, you don't want them included in the members allowed to enter the raffle. So take them out of that setting.
They will still be able to SEE the raffle, but they won't be allowed to ENTER it.
05-21-2011, 10:54 AM
I uploaded only raffles.php
Oh guys work 100%
Many many Tank you :)
05-23-2011, 02:12 AM
I mentioned earlier on this was similar to one I had custom coded for me when I was on vb 3.8.x
Since I have it enabled currently on my site, you can check it out here:
You might get some ideas from it.
05-23-2011, 04:13 AM
what is the law on having a raffle on your website?.
05-23-2011, 04:45 AM
Unless you are selling the raffle tickets for money, and then having the raffle, it is fine. If you are selling the raffle tickets for money, you should check your local laws.
For example, I have one similar to this modification here:
05-23-2011, 01:59 PM
Unless you are selling the raffle tickets for money, and then having the raffle, it is fine. If you are selling the raffle tickets for money, you should check your local laws.
Actually this statement is not true. Even "Free" contests and raffles can be subject to local laws. It all depends on where you are located AND where the member entering the contest or raffle is located.
This is why I provide a disclaimer and strongly recommend that people check with an attorney before running any raffles.
The sample rules included with this add-on are actual rules used by the site that originally specified what they were looking for in this add-on. They can not be considered proper for all sites, but are provided as a starting point to demonstrate that what some people might think is legal, may not actually be legal.
05-23-2011, 02:36 PM
wow.. thanks for the heads up ;)
Harley D
05-26-2011, 03:00 PM
I just updated to ver# 1.11 and now am getting a SQL error when I click on the register link.
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.3:
Invalid SQL:
FROM databaser_user
WHERE userid = '9';
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM database_user
WHERE userid = '9'' at line 2
Error Number : 1064
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : High Octane
Classname : vB_Database
Also it no longer shows on my Sidebar?
Harley D
05-26-2011, 03:56 PM
I just updated to ver# 1.11 and now am getting a SQL error when I click on the register link.
Also it no longer shows on my Sidebar?
The problem is in the UPLOAD FILES v.1.11
If I use the Upload Files from a previous version, the error goes away.
Also, It still doesn't show in my Side Bar. It did when first installed and disappeared shortly afterwords.
05-26-2011, 07:01 PM
The problem is in the UPLOAD FILES v.1.11
If I use the Upload Files from a previous version, the error goes away.
Also, It still doesn't show in my Side Bar. It did when first installed and disappeared shortly afterwords.
Thank you. Fixed in 1.1.2.
If active raffles aren't showing in your sidebar, check to be sure that "Show Raffles in Forum Sidebar" in Raffle Settings is set to 'Yes'.
Also go to Forums & Moderators -> Forum Blocks Manager -> Active Raffles -> Edit and check that Active is also set to 'Yes' there.
And one other place, check Options -> Forum Sidebar and Block Options and make sure Enable Forum Sidebar is set to 'Yes'.
The requirements for the sidebar to show are
1) Sidebar must be turned on in vBulletin itself.
2) Active Raffle block must be turned on in Forum Blocks Manager (set to on by default when installed)
3) Raffles must be turned on.
4) Side bar must be turned on in Raffle Settings.
5) Member must not be in a group that is banned from using the raffle system.
If none of that works, try disabling the Everywhere Sidebar mod and see if it shows then. If it does, it's a problem with that mod.
Harley D
05-27-2011, 05:02 PM
Thank you. Fixed in 1.1.2.
If active raffles aren't showing in your sidebar, check to be sure that "Show Raffles in Forum Sidebar" in Raffle Settings is set to 'Yes'.
Also go to Forums & Moderators -> Forum Blocks Manager -> Active Raffles -> Edit and check that Active is also set to 'Yes' there.
And one other place, check Options -> Forum Sidebar and Block Options and make sure Enable Forum Sidebar is set to 'Yes'.
The requirements for the sidebar to show are
1) Sidebar must be turned on in vBulletin itself.
2) Active Raffle block must be turned on in Forum Blocks Manager (set to on by default when installed)
3) Raffles must be turned on.
4) Side bar must be turned on in Raffle Settings.
5) Member must not be in a group that is banned from using the raffle system.
If none of that works, try disabling the Everywhere Sidebar mod and see if it shows then. If it does, it's a problem with that mod.
Disabling the Everywhere Sidebar Mod resolved the issue... Thanks
05-28-2011, 12:17 AM
ive been having a problem with this ever since i updateted to 1.0.7 the fourm block stopped working it always says no active raffles ever when i have them can some one help me? and ive have followed the above guide and i dont have the everywhere side bar mod
05-28-2011, 10:02 AM
ive been having a problem with this ever since i updateted to 1.0.7 the fourm block stopped working it always says no active raffles ever when i have them can some one help me? and ive have followed the above guide and i dont have the everywhere side bar mod
Try deleting the Active Raffle block from Forums & Moderators -> Forum Blocks Manager and then re-install the add-on (product-raffles.xml) in the Product Manager in AdminCP and be sure 'Allow Overwrite' is set to 'Yes'.
That will re-create the block.
Then make sure everything is set as described in the above post.
Also make sure you're using the correct date format when creating raffles. The format is MM/DD/YYYY, not DD/MM/YYYY
05-28-2011, 08:52 PM
Having issues creating databases in 112 says they do not exist! using VB CMS 4.1.3
Harley D
05-29-2011, 07:34 AM
The possibility to add the option of a photo in the Raffle's sidebar?
05-31-2011, 10:51 AM
Having issues creating databases in 112 says they do not exist! using VB CMS 4.1.3
For others that might read this, I'm not ignoring this problem. I am working with CoZmicShReddeR via PM to correct the problem. I think we've narrowed it down and will release a minor update if the test remedy works.
The problem seems to be that MySQL 5.5.8 no longer recognizes the TYPE command. It was replaced by ENGINE with no backwards compatability.
The possibility to add the option of a photo in the Raffle's sidebar?
You've got it in 1.1.3. :D
05-31-2011, 06:26 PM
everything is working fine on the latest version of VBulletin. However can you implement a way where they can purchase the tickets before they can join the raffle?
Harley D
05-31-2011, 06:55 PM
You've got it in 1.1.3. :D
Thank You!
This will really make it stick out!
05-31-2011, 08:12 PM
everything is working fine on the latest version of VBulletin. However can you implement a way where they can purchase the tickets before they can join the raffle?
That was implemented in v1.0.6
Added support for AW Coding's Credit Purchase System. (allows use of different payment systems to purchase 'tickets')
That system supports many payment processors and will work well for what you want.
05-31-2011, 10:44 PM
Can you make this possible? It will be nice to have options to do raffles by sample.
users with 1000 posts win what ever you state
users with 5000 post win another prize ect.....
Will be nice to increase participation on the forum
If you can edit the numbers of post to win contest will be even better
Just an Idea I think many wiill like to increase participation and registrations
06-01-2011, 10:19 AM
Can you make this possible? It will be nice to have options to do raffles by sample.
users with 1000 posts win what ever you state
users with 5000 post win another prize ect.....
Will be nice to increase participation on the forum
If you can edit the numbers of post to win contest will be even better
Just an Idea I think many wiill like to increase participation and registrations
You can already set the minimum number of posts required to enter a raffle.
If you mean make is so the user with the most posts wins.. it's been tried in the past and it results in nonsense posts and spamming. So, that won't happen.
06-01-2011, 07:09 PM
That was implemented in v1.0.6
That system supports many payment processors and will work well for what you want.
that took care of my project.
now im able to use this plugin.
thank you
for such help.
06-01-2011, 09:07 PM
Nice work mate. will update to the newer version soon
06-02-2011, 05:20 AM
Updated to the new version from 1.0.7 and it says I dont have enough credits to buy a ticket. Im using vBCredits and it worked on the previous version.
Any ideas mate?
06-02-2011, 09:36 AM
Updated to the new version from 1.0.7 and it says I dont have enough credits to buy a ticket. Im using vBCredits and it worked on the previous version.
Any ideas mate?
Thank you for letting me know.
My fast fingers fixed an error in version 1.1.1 for "other" credit systems, but created a new error for vBCredits.
Fixed and tested in version uploaded today.
06-02-2011, 09:48 PM
Thank you for letting me know.
My fast fingers fixed an error in version 1.1.1 for "other" credit systems, but created a new error for vBCredits.
Fixed and tested in version uploaded today.
Works a treat. Many thanks for the quick response and keep up the good work
06-03-2011, 12:01 AM
I see in the sample rules that a couple states aren't included in the raffle. Should I take it that these states do not allow free raffles? Any one place online I can find these state rules?
06-03-2011, 10:31 AM
I see in the sample rules that a couple states aren't included in the raffle. Should I take it that these states do not allow free raffles? Any one place online I can find these state rules?
As stated in the sample rules, they are a sample and should not be taken as the rules that should be used on your site.
Contact a lawyer to find out what is or isn't legal for your particular site.
EDIT: From time to time, the site those rules are taken from has a free raffle for items of extreme value. When I say extreme, I mean from $200 to over $1000. That might be why the rules are the way they are there. As a matter of fact, if you read them completely they also might require a social security number in order for someone to claim a prize. I'm pretty sure that's because items over a certain dollar amount have to be reported on a 1099 tax form. But, only a lawyer can answer your question in a proper way.
06-03-2011, 02:45 PM
Just tried to install this on 4.1.3 ....
Received an SQL error during install ...
Seemed to go through first part of import and install process fine....
Importing Product, Please Wait...
Start Installing Active Raffle List Forum Block
Active Raffle List Forum Block Install Finished
... then it updated style information ...
Updating style information for each style
Light ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.
Dark ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.
Medium ... (Templates) (StyleVars) (Replacement Variables) (CSS) (Controls) Done.
... then it CRASHED ..... :(
I put xxx's in some places for privacy ....
Sapporo, Yakutsk\";s:22:\"timezone_gmt_plus_0930\";s:28:\"(GMT +9:30) Adelaide, Darwin\";s:22:\"timezone_gmt_plus_1000\";s:49:\"(GMT +10:00) Eastern Australia, Guam, Vladivostok\";s:22:\"timezone_gmt_plus_1100\";s:52:\"(GMT +11:00) Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia\";s:22:\"timezone_gmt_plus_1200\";s:50:\"(GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka\";}' WHERE languageid = 1;
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.3:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE language SET title = title, phrasegroup_cprofilefield = 'a:31:{s:25:\"eznl_we_send_forum_digest\"; Note: long set of field statements... carries on through several fields ... didn't bother to put them here ...
MySQL Error : Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes
Error Number : 1153
Request Date : Friday, June 3rd 2011 @ 11:39:33 AM
Error Date : Friday, June 3rd 2011 @ 11:39:58 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : xx.xx.xx.xxxx
Username : Badger
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.77
Any ideas what to do next, or how I can un-install this half baked install?
Thanks ... :)
ps: It appears some pieces installed in spite of the SQL crash. (see pic). Is the blank field under Administrator Permissions yours and should it say "Can Admin Raffles"? Hope this stuff reported helps you troubleshoot the problem as we'd like to use this mod.
06-03-2011, 04:03 PM
Another question. Any tips on how to align my raffle image in the center?
In IE and FF it shows up on the right. In Chrome and Safari it shows up on the left. Whenever I edit the default raffle css, the image then appears under the section that displays the raffle status.
06-03-2011, 04:42 PM
Sapporo, Yakutsk\";s:22:\"timezone_gmt_plus_0930\";s:28:\"(GMT +9:30) Adelaide, Darwin\";s:22:\"timezone_gmt_plus_1000\";s:49:\"(GMT +10:00) Eastern Australia, Guam, Vladivostok\";s:22:\"timezone_gmt_plus_1100\";s:52:\"(GMT +11:00) Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia\";s:22:\"timezone_gmt_plus_1200\";s:50:\"(GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka\";}' WHERE languageid = 1;
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.3:
The statements about timezone are not part of my mod. I don't know where that's coming from. It may be part of one of your templates and that's throwing the error.
"MySQL Error : Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes"
This error is a problem with your MySQL configuration. It's probably always been there, but it reared it's ugly head now.
See this for more info..
Any ideas what to do next, or how I can un-install this half baked install?
I'd go into the database with phpMyAdmin and delete the two raffle tables if they exist. But, I'd also be very careful about doing that. If you fix whatever the problem is with your template, you could just try installing again and it will just complete the install.
ps: It appears some pieces installed in spite of the SQL crash. (see pic). Is the blank field under Administrator Permissions yours and should it say "Can Admin Raffles"? Hope this stuff reported helps you troubleshoot the problem as we'd like to use this mod.
It could be, but I can't be sure without the label.
06-03-2011, 04:47 PM
NVM, I figured out a fix.
06-03-2011, 04:54 PM
Another question. Any tips on how to align my raffle image in the center?
In IE and FF it shows up on the right. In Chrome and Safari it shows up on the left. Whenever I edit the default raffle css, the image then appears under the section that displays the raffle status.
I don't normally support customization of the templates. But try
06-03-2011, 06:34 PM
Sorry... I figured out all of my problems, thanks. I was using HTML in the raffle description and it was causing some problems... * sighs *
06-03-2011, 07:41 PM
Sorry... I figured out all of my problems, thanks. I was using HTML in the raffle description and it was causing some problems... * sighs *
Gotcha :)
FYI, BB Codes will work in raffle descriptions. ;)
Harley D
06-04-2011, 07:56 AM
NVM, I figured out a fix.
Care to share that fix?
06-04-2011, 02:11 PM
This error is a problem with your MySQL configuration. It's probably always been there, but it reared it's ugly head now.
See this for more info..
Thanks ... :)
Increased the variable to 16Mb and the re-install went fine. :up:
Mod seems to be working fine but I haven't done any real testing. I'll report any anomalies to you ... appreciate the support .... :)
06-04-2011, 02:28 PM
Are there any instructions anywhere to show how to define and setup the profile fields (type etc) for the address, phone number and PayPal data?
Thanks .. :)
06-04-2011, 03:25 PM
Are there any instructions anywhere to show how to define and setup the profile fields (type etc) for the address, phone number and PayPal data?
Thanks .. :)
AdminCP->User Profile Fields
06-04-2011, 04:14 PM
AdminCP->User Profile Fields
Thanks ... doh ... :o :D
Give me a coffee break and you have to re-train me .... ;)
06-05-2011, 08:32 AM
Do profile fields have to be created in order for this mod to work properly?
06-05-2011, 09:52 AM
Hi .. :)
I asked a similar question in the other mod referenced here, but never received an answer, so I thought I'd check here too.
You indicate that you support AWCoding- Credit Purchase System (
* Support for AW Coding's Credit Purchase System so member can purchase "raffle tickets".
So, does that mean we can use their add-on to have members purchase site credits through PayPal (or some other gateways) using real money, which then creates a "credits" balance through your mod, which in-turn can be used to buy raffle tickets from the your mod?
Sorry if I'm not explaining what we're trying to accomplish well, but this virtual currency stuff is kind of new for us.
06-05-2011, 10:20 AM
Do profile fields have to be created in order for this mod to work properly?
Not unless you want to use them.
06-05-2011, 10:28 AM
Hi .. :)
I asked a similar question in the other mod referenced here, but never received an answer, so I thought I'd check here too.
You indicate that you support AWCoding- Credit Purchase System (
So, does that mean we can use their add-on to have members purchase site credits through PayPal (or some other gateways) using real money, which then creates a "credits" balance through your mod, which in-turn can be used to buy raffle tickets from the your mod?Sorry if I'm not explaining what we're trying to accomplish well, but this virtual currency stuff is kind of new for us.
Yes it does. However, they would be purchasing raffle tickets not credits. You set the price per ticket and they have to purchase them before they can enter the raffle.
The settings for the AWCoding mod are show in Raffle Settings.
And, you don't need to use a credit system if you don't want to. The raffle system was originally designed for free raffles and it can still function as such.
06-05-2011, 10:44 AM
And, you don't need to use a credit system if you don't want to. The raffle system was originally designed for free raffles and it can still function as such.
Thanks .. :)
I thought this might be a good mechanism to help raise money to support our not-for-proft collector's organization.
Appreciate the support..
Maybe I missed this somewhere along in others questions but when creating a raffle and setting up the draw date why is it that if a raffle registers through say 6/5/2011 and the ability to enter the raffle ends at 12 am 6/4/2011 the araffle isn't actually scheduled through task manager to be drawn until the 6/6/2011? What I found was I had to go back and edit the draw date in raffle settings again and when I do a manual draw the draw date shows as being drawn on 6/4/2011? Kind of deceiving to those who entered the raffle in my opinion?
06-05-2011, 02:09 PM
Maybe I missed this somewhere along in others questions but when creating a raffle and setting up the draw date why is it that if a raffle registers through say 6/5/2011 and the ability to enter the raffle ends at 12 am 6/4/2011 the araffle isn't actually scheduled through task manager to be drawn until the 6/6/2011? What I found was I had to go back and edit the draw date in raffle settings again and when I do a manual draw the draw date shows as being drawn on 6/4/2011? Kind of deceiving to those who entered the raffle in my opinion?
The raffle draws on the date the raffle is set to end.
If you set it to end on 6/5/2011, the ability to enter ends at midnight (00:00am) 6/5/2011 and it draws on 6/5/2011. If you left the draw time as the default, it would draw on 6/5/2011 at 10:00am per your server's time setting.
The only way a raffle wouldn't draw is if nobody comes to the site to trigger the vbulletin cron jobs. (highly unlikely, but possible)
Also because the vb cron jobs run via code in your pages, the actual draw can vary some. On one site, the job is scheduled for 10:00am, but due to low activity on the day it was to be drawn the actual draw didn't take place until 10:10am.
06-05-2011, 02:33 PM
Although the cron draw routine hasn't changed much at all since the initial release, I've set up 2 test raffles on 2 different servers to be sure the draws take place as they should.
They should both draw tomorrow morning at 10:00am their server times. (one Eastern time, one Mountain Time)
And I should win them both. :D
06-06-2011, 12:49 AM
i have yet been able to get PM's to work...
I (administrator) do not get a PM and neither does the winner.
no special permissions are set...any registered user or better can enter...
i have ran 3 test raffles with 3 different versions and no go.
VB 4.13
am i missing something?
if i manually end a raffle.. it sends the PM's...but if i let it run to the end and auto-draw it WILL NOT send PM's...
06-06-2011, 12:27 PM
i have yet been able to get PM's to work...
I (administrator) do not get a PM and neither does the winner.
no special permissions are set...any registered user or better can enter...
i have ran 3 test raffles with 3 different versions and no go.
VB 4.13
am i missing something?
if i manually end a raffle.. it sends the PM's...but if i let it run to the end and auto-draw it WILL NOT send PM's...
Thank you.
Fixed in version 1.1.6.
NOTE: I strongly recommend that anyone running versions 1.0.6 through 1.1.5 update to version 1.1.6. The bug was introduced in version 1.0.6.
06-06-2011, 01:51 PM
Updated with thanks ... :)
06-07-2011, 01:18 AM
Thanks VERY MUCH!!!
06-07-2011, 02:31 AM
Care to share that fix?
To fix my image alignment issue on the raffle detail page, I edited the raffle_detail template by commenting out the stats that appear on the top left of the page. I also commented out the <div> statement around the raffle prize image and created my own.
Here's a piece of my raffle_detail template. Don't know if it will help.
<!-- main -->
<div class="rafflerow table">
<p class="raffledetailtitle">{vb:raw}</p>
<!-- <ul class="detailstats">
<li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_status}: {vb:raw detail.status}</li>
<li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_startdate}: {vb:raw detail.startdate}</li>
<li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_lastentrydate}: {vb:raw oneless}</li>
<li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_drawdate}: {vb:raw detail.enddate}<vb:if condition="$vboptions['raffle_showtime']"> {vb:raw draw_time}</vb:if> </li>
<vb:if condition="$detail['cost']"><li>
<vb:if condition="$creditsystem == 1">{vb:rawphrase raffle_ticket_cost}: {vb:rawphrase raffle_currency_symbol}{vb:raw detail.cost}</vb:if>
<vb:if condition="$creditsystem == 2 || $creditsystem == 3">{vb:rawphrase raffle_creditcost}: {vb:raw detail.cost}</vb:if>
<li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_shortentries}: {vb:raw detail.numentries}</li>
<vb:if condition="!$waittime && $detail['maxperiod'] > 1"><li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_entry_upto, {vb:raw detail.maxperiod}}</li></vb:if>
<vb:if condition="$waittime"><li><vb:if condition="$detail['maxperiod'] > 1">{vb:rawphrase raffle_enter_every, {vb:raw detail.maxperiod}, {vb:rawphrase raffle_plural}}<vb:else />{vb:rawphrase raffle_enter_once}</vb:if> {vb:raw waittime}</li></vb:if>
<li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_numprizes}: {vb:raw detail.numprizes}</li>
<vb:if condition="$detail['winner'] != ''"><li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_winner}<vb:if condition="$multiple">{vb:rawphrase raffle_plural}</vb:if>: {vb:raw detail.winner}</li></vb:if>
<vb:if condition="$vboptions['raffle_allowlist']"><li> </li><li><a href="raffles.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=entries&id={vb:raw}">{vb:rawphrase raffle_viewentrylist}</a></li></vb:if>
</ul> -->
<!-- <div class="detailimg"> -->
<div style="display: block;float:center;text-align:center;"><IMG SRC="{vb:raw detail.prizeimg}" alt="{vb:raw}"></div>
<!-- </div> -->
Harley D
06-08-2011, 05:11 PM
To fix my image alignment issue on the raffle detail page, I edited the raffle_detail template by commenting out the stats that appear on the top left of the page. I also commented out the <div> statement around the raffle prize image and created my own.
Here's a piece of my raffle_detail template. Don't know if it will help.
<!-- main -->
<div class="rafflerow table">
<p class="raffledetailtitle">{vb:raw}</p>
<!-- <ul class="detailstats">
<li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_status}: {vb:raw detail.status}</li>
<li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_startdate}: {vb:raw detail.startdate}</li>
<li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_lastentrydate}: {vb:raw oneless}</li>
<li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_drawdate}: {vb:raw detail.enddate}<vb:if condition="$vboptions['raffle_showtime']"> {vb:raw draw_time}</vb:if> </li>
<vb:if condition="$detail['cost']"><li>
<vb:if condition="$creditsystem == 1">{vb:rawphrase raffle_ticket_cost}: {vb:rawphrase raffle_currency_symbol}{vb:raw detail.cost}</vb:if>
<vb:if condition="$creditsystem == 2 || $creditsystem == 3">{vb:rawphrase raffle_creditcost}: {vb:raw detail.cost}</vb:if>
<li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_shortentries}: {vb:raw detail.numentries}</li>
<vb:if condition="!$waittime && $detail['maxperiod'] > 1"><li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_entry_upto, {vb:raw detail.maxperiod}}</li></vb:if>
<vb:if condition="$waittime"><li><vb:if condition="$detail['maxperiod'] > 1">{vb:rawphrase raffle_enter_every, {vb:raw detail.maxperiod}, {vb:rawphrase raffle_plural}}<vb:else />{vb:rawphrase raffle_enter_once}</vb:if> {vb:raw waittime}</li></vb:if>
<li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_numprizes}: {vb:raw detail.numprizes}</li>
<vb:if condition="$detail['winner'] != ''"><li>{vb:rawphrase raffle_winner}<vb:if condition="$multiple">{vb:rawphrase raffle_plural}</vb:if>: {vb:raw detail.winner}</li></vb:if>
<vb:if condition="$vboptions['raffle_allowlist']"><li> </li><li><a href="raffles.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=entries&id={vb:raw}">{vb:rawphrase raffle_viewentrylist}</a></li></vb:if>
</ul> -->
<!-- <div class="detailimg"> -->
<div style="display: block;float:center;text-align:center;"><IMG SRC="{vb:raw detail.prizeimg}" alt="{vb:raw}"></div>
<!-- </div> -->
Thank You,
I'll give this a shot.
06-08-2011, 05:47 PM
Thank You,
I'll give this a shot.
Your problem is the picture is too large to fit in the area provided.
I've released an update today that allows the maximum picture width to be set for the raffle detail page.
In your case I think that picture is 600 pixels wide, set the new option in Raffle Setting to either 400 or 500 and the picture will then fit.
The only problem I ever had with allowing picture resizing on that page is that smaller pictures will be increased in size, degrading the quality of the picture. But, people seem to want it so I released it.
06-15-2011, 03:01 AM
I'm running 1.1.5 and want to upgrade. How should I do this while preserving my template changes? D I just need to re-edit the templates after the upgrade?
06-15-2011, 09:12 AM
I'm running 1.1.5 and want to upgrade. How should I do this while preserving my template changes? D I just need to re-edit the templates after the upgrade?
Yes, easiest would be to copy your template changes to notepad and paste them back in after updating.
The only thing you might want to do is to look at the included template before you replace it. Look for picturewidth and pictureheight and include them in your template if you want.
Which, by the way.. I do like what you did with the template. ;)
06-15-2011, 04:40 PM
Thanks! ;) I've been getting a bunch of ad clicks on my raffle page, especially on the text links surrounding the raffle details:
I encourage others to do the same.
it would be nice if I could specify a minimum number of entrants. For example, I may want 100 people to enter the drawing before a winner is selected. I would use this with or without the raffle start/end dates.
06-15-2011, 05:12 PM
it would be nice if I could specify a minimum number of entrants. For example, I may want 100 people to enter the drawing before a winner is selected. I would use this with or without the raffle start/end dates.
I saw that you were going to draw after I think it was 300 entries just after you put that raffle up, thought it was a good idea and coded the option. It immediately draws the raffle after the entry limit is reached.
So it does exist, it just hasn't been blended into a release yet. But to be painfully honest.. I may reserve that for a paid version of the raffle system. We'll see how things go.
06-15-2011, 09:44 PM
nhawk, I know that you were debating whether we'd have a version available for 3.8x .... any new thoughts on it?
I love what you've done and I love the template edits by ChromeDome :)
06-16-2011, 12:21 AM
Nhawk, I'd be interested in hearing what will be in the "pro" version of the script. It's a great script!
Thanks MTP! ;)
06-16-2011, 10:26 AM
nhawk, I know that you were debating whether we'd have a version available for 3.8x .... any new thoughts on it?
I love what you've done and I love the template edits by ChromeDome :)
I still might.
I have installed 3.8 on my development server, so I'm one step closed to starting. ;)
06-16-2011, 11:02 AM
Nhawk, I'd be interested in hearing what will be in the "pro" version of the script. It's a great script!
Thanks MTP! ;)
At the moment, I'm still not 100% sure that I want to go with a "pro" version. I have to weigh the cost of bringing a site online to support it versus the return on investment. And I really didn't start doing mods for the cash. I actually enjoy coding. But after releasing a few mods, I understand why many people have gone in that direction or stopped releasing/supporting their mods completely. I don't think people realize how much work goes into some mods. In any case, it's a decision I need to make that can be influenced greatly by people hitting the 'support developer' button. Not only for my mods, but for any mod people use, by any author.
Unless someone has more suggestions, as it stands now there would only be two additional features. The ability to restrict access by geographic location (country) and the ablility to draw after x entries.
06-16-2011, 05:27 PM
Well for what its worth I appreciate your effort. I know that it may feel challenging sometimes with some of the questions and comments but I know a lot of us here do appreciate it.
It is developers like you that make our product/s great!!
Keep up the great work!!!:up::)
06-16-2011, 11:21 PM
Not sure what I'm doing wrong but everytime I try to add my own picture to a raffle, I see the following warning messages displayed both on the main page and on the raffle page.
Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in [path]/raffles.php on line 186
Warning: getimagesize( [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in [path]/raffles.php on line 186
Warning: Division by zero in [path]/raffles.php on line 193
I've tried using different file types (jpeg, gif and png) and I've ensured they are under the default image size limit (the image size that I was trying to use was 105 x 130 px and the file size is 258k. The place where the image is located on the site I CHMOD'd hoping that that would fix the issue. Not sure what else to do.
Any help would be appreciated.
06-17-2011, 10:32 AM
Not sure what I'm doing wrong but everytime I try to add my own picture to a raffle, I see the following warning messages displayed both on the main page and on the raffle page.
Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in [path]/raffles.php on line 186
Warning: getimagesize( [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in [path]/raffles.php on line 186
Warning: Division by zero in [path]/raffles.php on line 193
I've tried using different file types (jpeg, gif and png) and I've ensured they are under the default image size limit (the image size that I was trying to use was 105 x 130 px and the file size is 258k. The place where the image is located on the site I CHMOD'd hoping that that would fix the issue. Not sure what else to do.
Any help would be appreciated.
Some servers don't allow URL access to files. Try changing to ./images/raffles/accelgor.gif
You won't be able to see the image in the ACP, but it should show in your raffles.
06-17-2011, 03:02 PM
nhawk, I know that you were debating whether we'd have a version available for 3.8x .... any new thoughts on it?
I love what you've done and I love the template edits by ChromeDome :)
Just to keep everyone up to date..
I have begun the process of porting this to 3.8.x.
It shouldn't be to long before it's done.
06-17-2011, 09:09 PM
Nhawk just like to say what a great job your doing with this mod Thank you
06-18-2011, 10:46 AM
Just to keep everyone up to date..
I have begun the process of porting this to 3.8.x.
It shouldn't be to long before it's done.
YESSSSS!! Awesome :up:
06-20-2011, 01:00 PM
Just to keep everyone up to date..
I have begun the process of porting this to 3.8.x.
It shouldn't be to long before it's done.
YESSSSS!! Awesome :up:
Released today...
06-24-2011, 08:54 AM
Where was the warning that this mod would install a copyright notice on all of my site's pages!?! Uninstalling. Thanks for wasting my time.
06-24-2011, 10:17 AM
There should be an option too remove it for people who have donated I think.
06-24-2011, 10:42 AM
Where was the warning that this mod would install a copyright notice on all of my site's pages!?! Uninstalling. Thanks for wasting my time.
You haven't removed the vBulletin or vBSEO copyright. So why is this an issue?
My copyright does not contain any links.
There should be an option too remove it for people who have donated I think.
I might consider that if people actually donated.
chriske.. check your pms in a minute.
06-24-2011, 11:56 AM
You haven't removed the vBulletin or vBSEO copyright. So why is this an issue?
I really mean no offense by this, nhawk, but your mod could hardly be compared to vBSEO. I appreciate the hard work that you and other coders put into your work, but I can't have copyright notices for every mod that I have installed, the list would be 400 pixels high or close to it if I did. I really do not appreciate the copyrights being added without any warning whatsoever. Now I have to find all of the files associated with your mod and delete them.
BTW, vBSEO lets people know that the copyright will be added BEFORE they purchase the product.
06-24-2011, 01:29 PM
I really mean no offense by this, nhawk, but your mod could hardly be compared to vBSEO. I appreciate the hard work that you and other coders put into your work, but I can't have copyright notices for every mod that I have installed, the list would be 400 pixels high or close to it if I did. I really do not appreciate the copyrights being added without any warning whatsoever. Now I have to find all of the files associated with your mod and delete them.
BTW, vBSEO lets people know that the copyright will be added BEFORE they purchase the product.
Well, then I think you're missing out on some really great mods then. Because many of them do add a copyright.
And I do find it very offensive that you would not even consider using it with the copyright intact. My work is no less important than vBSEO or any other mod that adds a copyright. And the fact that you even looked at it, tells me you have a need for, or might want this add-on and are incapable of coding it yourself. So, my time and effort is worth the copyright.
I will not remove my copyright for anyone that does not make at least my minimum request for support donations. I put to much time making it into what people wanted it to be to do that.
I will make your major effort to remove Raffles from your system easier..
06-24-2011, 09:19 PM
I'm really excited about this mod, but for some reason it's not installing. I've added all the files into the correct folders... Checked, checked and rechecked. Then, I try importing the XML file and it was "you must add all files before installing"
Any ideas why it would say this?
06-24-2011, 09:37 PM
I'm really excited about this mod, but for some reason it's not installing. I've added all the files into the correct folders... Checked, checked and rechecked. Then, I try importing the XML file and it was "you must add all files before installing"
Any ideas why it would say this?
If this is happening, one or more of the files are in the wrong location.
They should be in the following locations..
<forum root>/raffles.php
<forum root>/admincp/raffleadmin.php
<forum root>/images/raffles/raffle.png
<forum root>/includes/functions_raffles.php
<forum root>/includes/cron/raffledraw.php
<forum root>/includes/xml/bitfield_raffles.xml
<forum root>/includes/xml/cpnav_raffles.xml
<forum root> is the folder where your forum's ajax.php, album.php ... index.php, etc files are.
edit: NOTE: the admincp folder should be where YOUR admincp is, which is not necessarily the same name (admincp). Personally on live sites, I rename admincp to some random set of charaters for security purposes.
06-25-2011, 07:35 PM
Cool idea, will install!
06-26-2011, 04:56 PM
Biggerorge i'd love to know more about your success running raflfes how you have done it, what you have found you needed to do rules wise, what makes one a success etc
Also yes PLEASE add a paypal functionality to this and you will have one of the best mods out there
06-27-2011, 10:01 AM
Biggerorge i'd love to know more about your success running raflfes how you have done it, what you have found you needed to do rules wise, what makes one a success etc
Also yes PLEASE add a paypal functionality to this and you will have one of the best mods out there
Paypal is already supported through the AW Coding's Credit Purchase System.
06-30-2011, 09:14 PM
Paypal is already supported through the AW Coding's Credit Purchase System.
How do I set it up to use paypal for a purchase of a virtual ticket?? Also, how do you set the amount for the ticket??
06-30-2011, 09:39 PM
How do I set it up to use paypal for a purchase of a virtual ticket?? Also, how do you set the amount for the ticket??
Download and install AW-Coding's Credit Purchase System and use these settings (as shown on the raffle settings page)...
Credit Purchase System -> Purchase Settings:
Units = 1
Custom Table = user
Custom Field = raffletickets
Custom User Field = userid
Set the price per ticket there. Also be sure to match the price in the raffle when you set it up.
07-01-2011, 04:42 AM
Download and install AW-Coding's Credit Purchase System and use these settings (as shown on the raffle settings page)...
Credit Purchase System -> Purchase Settings:
Units = 1
Custom Table = user
Custom Field = raffletickets
Custom User Field = userid
Set the price per ticket there. Also be sure to match the price in the raffle when you set it up.
It would be nice for a COMPLETE walkthrough on how to set each up to work with each other. I tried and I can get the raffle up and see it but no purchase button shows and when I hit enter me, I get a vb error..
Setting the raffle up is simple, it is just the CPS setup that is :confused: as there ar sooooo many options.
What I am doing is raffleing off a prototype to raise $ for the actual production product. I need 3 options as far as price to enter the raffle. 1 "ticket" =$10, 3=$25, 15=$100.;)
07-01-2011, 09:25 AM
It would be nice for a COMPLETE walkthrough on how to set each up to work with each other. I tried and I can get the raffle up and see it but no purchase button shows and when I hit enter me, I get a vb error..
Setting the raffle up is simple, it is just the CPS setup that is :confused: as there ar sooooo many options.
What I am doing is raffleing off a prototype to raise $ for the actual production product. I need 3 options as far as price to enter the raffle. 1 "ticket" =$10, 3=$25, 15=$100.;)
The only parts in CPS that concern the raffle system are the 4 mentioned above and the purchase amounts. It looks like you have the purchase amount filled out from what you're saying.
Then in the raffle system, when you set up the raffle enter the Cost Per Ticket. (NOTE: Enter only the first dollar amount. In your case it would be $10.00.
I would also think you've set up the paypal account info in CPS.
Then when you try enter the raffle and don't have any raffle tickets in your account, you will see this message..
You do not have any raffle tickets to enter this raffle.
Click HERE to purchase raffle tickets.
Click that link, and you are taken to the CPS to purchase tickets.
After that point, any problems with the CPS have to be taken up with AW-Coding.
NOTE: There was a bug in the CPS where purchases and credits were not being handled properly for custom fields. AW-Coding is aware of it. There is a patch for it in the Raffle installation. If you find ticket purchases aren't crediting properly either contact AW-Coding or reinstall the Raffle system so it can patch the CPS.
Here are the patches as AW-Coding would like to see them.
In plugin AWCL- Units Updates locate this code:
case 1:
UPDATE `$custom_table`
SET $custom_field = $custom_field + $units
WHERE $custom_user_field = ".$AWCL['IN']['userid']
And replace with this code:
case 1:
UPDATE `".$vbulletin->options['cpsl_purchase_table']."`
SET ".$vbulletin->options['cpsl_purchase_field']." = ".$vbulletin->options['cpsl_purchase_field']." + $units
WHERE ".$vbulletin->options['cpsl_purchase_userfield']." = ".$AWCL['IN']['userid']
In plugin AWCL- Trans delete locate this code:
case 1:
UPDATE `$custom_table`
SET $custom_field = $custom_field - $units
WHERE $custom_user_field = ".$payment_info['userid']
And replace with this code:
case 1:
UPDATE `".$vbulletin->options['cpsl_purchase_table']."`
SET ".$vbulletin->options['cpsl_purchase_field']." = ".$vbulletin->options['cpsl_purchase_field']." - $units
WHERE ".$vbulletin->options['cpsl_purchase_userfield']." = ".$AWCL['IN']['userid']
The patch included with the raffle system is slightly different, but either one works.
07-01-2011, 03:55 PM
I uninstalled it cause I think I should have installed the CPS FIRST, then your Raffle so that is what I did and now after setup, it seems to work BUT...
When the user clicks on the "HERE" to buy and it takes them to the Paypal screen, if they hit cancel, it still signs them up for a ticket and acts as though they purchased :confused::eek:. The PM and everything gets sent saying thanks for the purchase.
Now what?? lol..
07-01-2011, 06:12 PM
When the user clicks on the "HERE" to buy and it takes them to the Paypal screen, if they hit cancel, it still signs them up for a ticket and acts as though they purchased :confused::eek:. The PM and everything gets sent saying thanks for the purchase.
Now what?? lol..
Sorry to say this but now.. you need to contact AW-Coding. That's in their ballpark.
I do know the purchase doesn't actually take place and no tickets are issued.
07-02-2011, 02:56 PM
I get a Fatal error when i run the Sheduled task manager. The raffle should have already be drawn automaticly but it is not.
I use version 1.1.8
Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /home/xxx/xxx/xxx/public_html/forum/includes/cron/raffledraw.php on line 195
Any ideas?
I'm having a problem with drawing raffles as well. The Task runs as far as I can tell (meaning it's in the log that it ran), but no raffles are drawn that should be. I only have 1 raffle and it should be complete as the draw date is today, that date is on the server and the task was run.
So I ran the task manually and saw no errors on the page, but still no draws.
Thanks for any help, this is my first raffle I was testing giving out a couple free video games to my members and well... hopefully I can get this fixed soon so I don't look like more of an idiot than usual. ;)
Thanks for any help you can provide!
*EDIT* - When I run the raffledraw.php, I get not visual feedback (makes sense, it's a cron), but it runs so quickly and there's no logs, it just feels like it's not doing anything.
*EDIT* - Ok, I've figured this out. I'll try to be clear, but... I think this is going to be confusing.
The problem is that my server time is in GMT, which is -8 from my time.
When I created the raffle, the only way I was able to get the dates to display correctly on the raffle portion people could see, was to set the draw date for a day LATER than I really wanted it to go. But on the raffle page, it looked like a date earlier than actually set.
So, I've been looking at the raffle page expecting it to draw, but when I edited it, then I saw that the draw date was in fact 7-03-2011, even though it was displaying 7-02-2011 on the raffle page.
So for now, I dropped the date back a day and now it's waiting to draw and I'll run the cron and it should do what it should of.
BUG #1: So I guess the problem is that either the raffle page or the raffle entry page aren't using the same timezone modifiers or something and that's where the confusion started. So I guess that's a bug of some sort. =) Awesome stuff though and donation should be there by the time you read this!
*EDIT* - Ok, I did that and now am getting the same error as reported by someone else above: Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /home/XXXXX/public_html/includes/cron/raffledraw.php on line 195
I checked that line in the file and it has a $ next to the fetch_phrase function, I removed that and it ran.
BUG #2: At least I think this is a bug, it let the same member win twice... They had 3 tickets in, which is fine, but.. I didn't really want the same guy to win twice as the prizes were the same. I basically wanted one unique winner per draw, is that possible?
07-02-2011, 06:11 PM
I need to know what version of vBulletin you two are running.
The cron draw works fine in 4.1.3 and 4.1.4. (just tested it again) However, if it's not working for you with the $, remove it as Trek did.
So far are the draw date and time goes, it uses vBulletin's TIMENOW so it should match whatever vBulletin is running at. I will look into this a little more though.
EDIT: I just removed the $ from line 195 and it runs for me that way too. So I will remove it in the next update.
I'm running vb 4.1.4 and the latest version of your raffle mod for download here at
Like I said, the cron was easy to fix, there's a typo on that line in the source file. Just remove the extra $ and you're set.
The larger issue for me was the time one. Where the dates I set in the adminCP for the raffle, showed differently than when viewing the raffle as a user.
07-02-2011, 06:44 PM
I'm having a problem with drawing raffles as well. The Task runs as far as I can tell (meaning it's in the log that it ran), but no raffles are drawn that should be. I only have 1 raffle and it should be complete as the draw date is today, that date is on the server and the task was run.
So I ran the task manually and saw no errors on the page, but still no draws.
Thanks for any help, this is my first raffle I was testing giving out a couple free video games to my members and well... hopefully I can get this fixed soon so I don't look like more of an idiot than usual. ;)
Thanks for any help you can provide!
*EDIT* - When I run the raffledraw.php, I get not visual feedback (makes sense, it's a cron), but it runs so quickly and there's no logs, it just feels like it's not doing anything.
There should be entries in the scheduled task log that look something like this..
15 Draw raffles 15:15, 2nd Jul 2011 Start drawing raffles
16 Draw raffles 15:15, 2nd Jul 2011 Draw raffle Test - winner Snog
17 Draw raffles 15:15, 2nd Jul 2011 Finished Drawing Raffles
BUG #1: So I guess the problem is that either the raffle page or the raffle entry page aren't using the same timezone modifiers or something and that's where the confusion started. So I guess that's a bug of some sort. =) Awesome stuff though and donation should be there by the time you read this!
As I said above, I'll look into this more. But I don't see the problem on my dev server or a on live site either.
*EDIT* - Ok, I did that and now am getting the same error as reported by someone else above: Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /home/XXXXX/public_html/includes/cron/raffledraw.php on line 195
I checked that line in the file and it has a $ next to the fetch_phrase function, I removed that and it ran.
I don't see this on either my dev server or a live site. But, removing it (the $) doesn't seem to hurt so it will be in the next update.
BUG #2: At least I think this is a bug, it let the same member win twice... They had 3 tickets in, which is fine, but.. I didn't really want the same guy to win twice as the prizes were the same. I basically wanted one unique winner per draw, is that possible?
If this is a problem, go to Raffle Settings and change 'Allow One Member Multiple Wins' to no.
07-02-2011, 07:37 PM
I may have this date/time thing sorted out. It's very hard to explain, and I'm running short of time today. I'll try to post an explanation tomorrow morning.
If this is a problem, go to Raffle Settings and change 'Allow One Member Multiple Wins' to no.
I had already set that, but it didn't appear to matter. I just got your PM though and will reply there.
07-03-2011, 11:59 AM
...*EDIT* - Ok, I've figured this out. I'll try to be clear, but... I think this is going to be confusing.
The problem is that my server time is in GMT, which is -8 from my time.
When I created the raffle, the only way I was able to get the dates to display correctly on the raffle portion people could see, was to set the draw date for a day LATER than I really wanted it to go. But on the raffle page, it looked like a date earlier than actually set.
So, I've been looking at the raffle page expecting it to draw, but when I edited it, then I saw that the draw date was in fact 7-03-2011, even though it was displaying 7-02-2011 on the raffle page.
So for now, I dropped the date back a day and now it's waiting to draw and I'll run the cron and it should do what it should of.
OK, let's see if I can explain this. It gets complicated so hang in there, there is a fix at the end. ;)
First, this isn't a bug with setting the end date of the raffle.
When you set an end date, the program converts that date to it's proper Unix timestamp.
When it is displayed on the Raffle Edit page, it is displayed in it's originally entered format.
When it is displayed anywhere else, it is displayed in the date/time format chosen by the member viewing the raffle. (the same thing vBulletin itself does with date/time data)
Remember, the time displayed is NOT the time being used by vBulletin. It is just a DISPLAY format. Not a data storage format. All times stored in the database are in your Servers time zone. Not in the time zone you chose to display as a user or the one used as the default display in vBulletin.
Scheduled Tasks use the server's date/time to run. (this is a function of vBulletin, not the Raffle system)
So, in this case...
If you're in the Eastern time zone and you're server is -8 hours from your time zone, and you're expecting the raffle to draw at 10:00am your time. That will never happen with any Scheduled Task in vBulletin. The server time hasn't reached the 10:00am time yet.
By editing the raffle, you actually did nothing to make the task run. The raffle was already waiting to be drawn at 10:00am server time. Which was still somewhere near 8 hours away.
By running the task manually you did find a bug in the one line. But I'm not so sure it's as much a bug as it might be a PHP version difference. I say that because it runs without a hitch on PHP 5.2.4 and PHP 5.2.9 with or without the '$' in that line. Again, I'll remove the '$' from it for compatibilty sake in a release later today.
Back to the time problem and a possible fixes..
If you are on a dedicated server, the fix should be obvious. Change your server's time from your control panel (or via SSH) to match the time zone you want it to match. (may require a server reboot) And if you're using PHP 5.1 or later, you might also need to edit php.ini because it might be using a different time zone. (see first link below) It's as simple as that. But remember, members will see that date as it should be shown for their date/time display choice.
If you're on a shared server, there are a couple of possibilities...
1) If you use PHP 5.1.0 or later and have access to PHP.INI for your site, edit PHP.INI so it includes the date.timezone setting. See this page for more information..
2) If you don't have access to PHP.INI and your PHP version is equal or greater than 5.0 you can TRY adding the date_default_timezone_set to vBulletin's config.php. MAKE IT THE FIRST ENTRY AFTER THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. See this page for more information..
NOTE: Item 2 has not been tested. The worst thing that could happen is vBulletin would refuse to run and you would have to remove that new line from the config file.
3) If neither of those work, or your PHP version is prior to 5.0, you will need to live with the server time for Scheduled Tasks.
Mr Morningstarr
07-03-2011, 12:06 PM
How difficult will it be to change it from saying 'raffle' to 'prize draw'?
07-03-2011, 12:30 PM
I had already set that, but it didn't appear to matter. I just got your PM though and will reply there.
I'm totally unable to duplicate this, even with one member having 20 entries and 1 other with one entry.
I'll continue to see if I can duplicate it.
07-03-2011, 12:31 PM
How difficult will it be to change it from saying 'raffle' to 'prize draw'?
Not difficult at all.
Edit the phrases in Phrase Manager.
07-03-2011, 01:15 PM
As an addendum to my post about date/time.
I somewhat overstated what is happening.
The date is being displayed as it should be. But, if you select to have the time displayed with it, that IS a bug. More a missed item than a bug.
The time being displayed on the Raffle pages IS the raw unconverted time that the task is scheduled to run at. It is NOT being converted to the members date/time zone display choice.
I'll see what I can do with that in the next release. ( possibly tomorrow )
In the mean time, do not display the draw time to your members.
Mr Morningstarr
07-03-2011, 01:47 PM
Not difficult at all.
Edit the phrases in Phrase Manager.
Cheers. Lot of them though. :D
First, thank you nHawk for helping me out and looking into things. =)
Now, a few suggestions.
Post Winners to Thread, option. - This would simply reply to an existing thread with a custom message as defined by the admin. Post things like the raffle, draw date, prize and winners.
Time to wait to send out winning PMs/Manual notification. Sometimes, I'd like to verify things before the winners are announced. This would accomplish that.
Redraw option - Posts to the above mentioned winners thread that we've had an issue and will be performing a redraw. Have the option to simply redraw as is, or invalidate the current raffle and open a new raffle window with the old raffle window values prefilled into the form to make it easier.
When clicking Manage User Entries in the ACP, have a dropdown that has "All" and then each raffle name in it so we can only view the entrants for that raffle. After awhile, this screen is going to get really messy and require a lot of hunting around.
Display how many entrants there are option - On the main raffle screen that the users see, display how many people have entered the raffle. (Not necessarily who has entered like it is now)
If an image is included in the forum block, auto center it.
Move "Allow One Member Multiple Wins" to per raffle instead of a global setting.
Add in the ability to draw each raffle at a specific time. I know that would require the cron running more often, but even if it's close, say it only checks every hour, I think that'd be good.
I know that's a lot of stuff and some of it isn't probably all that quick/easy to do, I'm just asking for you to consider these options in any future release you do. Thanks again, the mod is awesome and I think some of these changes would just make it even better if you have the time/desire to do it. =)
07-04-2011, 10:23 PM
Thanks for the update Nhawk,
I just updated to 1.2.0 And the raffle now draws when I run the scheduled task.
There is only one problem:
I have set the option "Allow One Member Multiple Wins" to No. But still there is 1 user that won all 3 prizes :S Now the raffle of last month has to be redrawn...
Is there a way to solve this?
07-05-2011, 01:09 AM
I am curious how you set the colors like the last screenshot??
07-05-2011, 11:07 AM
Thanks for the update Nhawk,
I just updated to 1.2.0 And the raffle now draws when I run the scheduled task.
There is only one problem:
I have set the option "Allow One Member Multiple Wins" to No. But still there is 1 user that won all 3 prizes :S Now the raffle of last month has to be redrawn...
Is there a way to solve this?
You folks are driving me nuts! :D
I am unable to duplicate this on any test or live server I have access to. :(
If you don't have enough unique entries to draw the raffle this is what is logged in the scheduled task log..
28 Draw raffles 07:28, 5th Jul 2011 Start drawing raffles
29 Draw raffles 07:28, 5th Jul 2011 Raffle Test Date 5 Not Drawn - 2 members 3 prizes
30 Draw raffles 07:28, 5th Jul 2011 Finished Drawing Raffles
If I draw a raffle by either letting the task run on it's own or manually run it, it draws the proper number of winners even if there are only 3 members that have entered (as shown a couple posts back, but with 3 members.. 1 with 20 entries). And this is what is logged in the scheduled task log..
41 Draw raffles 08:04, 5th Jul 2011 Start drawing raffles
42 Draw raffles 08:04, 5th Jul 2011 Draw raffle Test Date 5 - winner MY$T3R!OUZ
43 Draw raffles 08:04, 5th Jul 2011 Draw raffle Test Date 5 - winner Snog
44 Draw raffles 08:04, 5th Jul 2011 Draw raffle Test Date 5 - winner imauser
45 Draw raffles 08:04, 5th Jul 2011 Finished Drawing Raffles
Could I get more information please?
vBulletin version
PHP version
MYSQL version
Any other information you feel might be relevant
EDIT: OK, now I'm really confused!
After installing the Raffle system on a fresh server with the latest versions of PHP and MYSQL and being unable to duplicate the problem described by you folks, I did a line by line check of the code for the Scheduled Task Raffle Draw.
What I found was just the opposite of what you describe as happening. No matter if 'Allow One Member Multiple Wins' was set to 'Yes' or 'No', and multiple prizes were to be awarded, it would not allow multiple wins to one member!
I suggest you double check that /includes/cron/raffledraw.php has been overwritten with the most current version. It might be possible that you either didn't upload all of the files at some point, or it somehow never got overwritten. Also, if your server is running any kind of PHP caching, try clearing the cache.
I will issue an update that WILL 'Allow One Member Multiple Wins' in the next day or two.
07-05-2011, 11:08 AM
I am curious how you set the colors like the last screenshot??
If you mean this image..
That is the skin on the site that was running that raffle.
If you mean the entry list a few posts back, that's the default ACP skin.
07-05-2011, 04:35 PM
Could I get more information please?
vBulletin version
PHP version
MYSQL version
Any other information you feel might be relevant
Vbulletin: 4.1.4
PHP: 5.2.x
mysql: 5.1.24
EDIT: OK, now I'm really confused!
After installing the Raffle system on a fresh server with the latest versions of PHP and MYSQL and being unable to duplicate the problem described by you folks, I did a line by line check of the code for the Scheduled Task Raffle Draw.
What I found was just the opposite of what you describe as happening. No matter if 'Allow One Member Multiple Wins' was set to 'Yes' or 'No', and multiple prizes were to be awarded, it would not allow multiple wins to one member!
I wish that was the case with my raffle :)
I just made an other test raffle:
- 5 prizes
- Maximum Entries Permitted 1
- Number of contestants: 7
Winners: 1 x (Ticket #70) 4 x (Ticket #74)??
I suggest you double check that /includes/cron/raffledraw.php has been overwritten with the most current version. It might be possible that you either didn't upload all of the files at some point, or it somehow never got overwritten. Also, if your server is running any kind of PHP caching, try clearing the cache.
I am sure the raffledraw.php was overwritten. I see that in the files I downloaded from the 1.2.0 version of raffledraw.php it says (vBulletin Raffles 1.1.9)
07-05-2011, 04:53 PM
I just made an other test raffle:
- 5 prizes
- Maximum Entries Permitted 1
- Number of contestants: 7
Winners: 1 x (Ticket #70) 4 x (Ticket #74)??
I am sure the raffledraw.php was overwritten. I see that in the files I downloaded from the 1.2.0 version of raffledraw.php it says (vBulletin Raffles 1.1.9)The version shown in raffledraw.php would be correct because that was the last version where it was changed.
I just duplicated the raffle you described with 5 prizes and 7 entries and here's what the scheduled task produced..
42 Draw raffles 13:48, 5th Jul 2011 Start drawing raffles
43 Draw raffles 13:48, 5th Jul 2011 Draw raffle Test Raffle 2 - winner Member3 (Ticket #26)
44 Draw raffles 13:48, 5th Jul 2011 Draw raffle Test Raffle 2 - winner Snog (Ticket #23)
45 Draw raffles 13:48, 5th Jul 2011 Draw raffle Test Raffle 2 - winner Member6 (Ticket #29)
46 Draw raffles 13:48, 5th Jul 2011 Draw raffle Test Raffle 2 - winner Member2 (Ticket #25)
47 Draw raffles 13:48, 5th Jul 2011 Draw raffle Test Raffle 2 - winner Member5 (Ticket #28)
48 Draw raffles 13:48, 5th Jul 2011 Finished Drawing Raffles
07-05-2011, 05:06 PM
Chriske.. check your PMs please.
Just found the following in my email, looks like some PHP code made it into the SQL query. This happened during the CRON job.
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE dhv_raffle
SET winner = fetch_phrase('raffle_noentries','global')
WHERE id = '2';
MySQL Error : Cannot load from mysql.proc. The table is probably corrupted
Error Number : 1548
To fix, replace line 78 of /includes/cron/raffledraw.php with:
SET winner = '".fetch_phrase('raffle_noentries','global')."'
07-06-2011, 04:21 PM
Thank you, I missed that.
I'll include it in the next update.
Note that the same code is also on line 125.
Thank you, I missed that.
I'll include it in the next update.
Note that the same code is also on line 125.
Sure thing! I changed the other instance in my copy as well, thanks!
07-06-2011, 05:10 PM
Sure thing! I changed the other instance in my copy as well, thanks!
You'll also find the new version of raffledraw.php is heavily commented.
07-14-2011, 07:53 PM
I accidentally deleted the forum side bar for raffle. Is there any way to get that back? I delete it quickly thinking it was another widget. :(
07-14-2011, 07:58 PM
I accidentally deleted the forum side bar for raffle. Is there any way to get that back? I delete it quickly thinking it was another widget. :(
Import the product again, and be sure "allow overwrite" is set to yes when you do.
That might bring it back.
If not, create a new block
Block Type: Custom HTML/PHP
Title: Active Raffles
Description: Active Raffle List block on forum sidebar
Cache Time: 0
Active: Yes
Content Type: PHP
c&p this code for Content..
global $vbulletin;
if ($vbulletin->options['raffle_mode'] && $vbulletin->options['raffle_showsidebar'] && !is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, explode(',', $vbulletin->options['raffle_perms'])))
$timenow = TIMENOW;
$raffle_getactive = $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "raffle
WHERE enddate > $timenow AND startdate <= $timenow
if ($vbulletin->db->num_rows($raffle_getactive))
while($raffle = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($raffle_getactive))
if (is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, explode(',', $raffle['groupperm'])))
$raffle_list .= '<br />';
$raffle_list .= '<a href="raffles.php?' . $session[sessionurl] . 'do=raffle&id=' . $raffle[id] . '" title="' . $raffle[name] . '" />' . $raffle[name];
$raffle['prizeimg'] = 'images/raffles/default.gif';
$target = $vbulletin->options['raffle_sidebar_maxpicture'];
$picturesize = getimagesize($raffle['prizeimg']);
$percentage = ($target / $picturesize[0]);
$picture_width = round($picturesize[0] * $percentage);
$picture_height = round($picturesize[1] * $percentage);
$raffle_list .= '<br /><img class="display" src="' . $raffle['prizeimg'] . '" width="' . $picture_width . '" height="' . $picture_height . '" alt="' . $raffle['name'] . '" border="0" />';
$rafflelist .= '</a><br />';
$statsarray = array('currentraffles' => $raffle_list,);
return $statsarray;
Template to Use: raffle_sideblock
07-14-2011, 08:00 PM
Awesome. Thank you sir. Disregard my pm. :)
07-14-2011, 08:05 PM
Awesome. Thank you sir. Disregard my pm. :)
LOL, I was editing my post when you replied. One or the other will work.
Had the wrong code there at first.. is correct now.
07-14-2011, 08:13 PM
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/gameru5/public_html/forums/includes/block/html.php(95) : eval()'d code on line 1
I tried both ways, neither worked. Adding the block and pasting the code yields the above error.
07-14-2011, 08:20 PM
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/gameru5/public_html/forums/includes/block/html.php(95) : eval()'d code on line 1
I tried both ways, neither worked. Adding the block and pasting the code yields the above error.
If you can, send me temporary admin access to your site (username and password) by PM. Don't forget the URL too. ;)
07-14-2011, 08:20 PM
oops... that was a type on my part. But i fixed the type and now the block breaks the forum. :(
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT country FROM geo_blocks
WHERE begin_num <= '212508165' AND end_num >= '212508165';
MySQL Error : Table 'gameru5_gamerumors.geo_blocks' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Thursday, July 14th 2011 @ 05:20:04 PM
Error Date : Thursday, July 14th 2011 @ 05:20:05 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : ClutchThese
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-community-log
07-14-2011, 08:22 PM
oops... that was a type on my part. But i fixed the type and now the block breaks the forum. :(
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT country FROM geo_blocks
WHERE begin_num <= '212508165' AND end_num >= '212508165';
MySQL Error : Table 'gameru5_gamerumors.geo_blocks' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Thursday, July 14th 2011 @ 05:20:04 PM
Error Date : Thursday, July 14th 2011 @ 05:20:05 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : ClutchThese
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-community-log
LOL, use the code that shown above now.
I edited it after posting the incorrect code.
The code I posted the first time is for a private version of Raffles. Sorry.
07-14-2011, 08:24 PM
PERFECT!!! That time it worked! Thank you VERY much!
07-15-2011, 07:16 PM
MAJOR BUG finally found and fixed. I suggest EVERYONE update to v1.2.3.
Oh how I hate when the problem was staring me in the face all this time, but I couldn't see the forest through the trees. :(
07-16-2011, 01:51 AM
Just installed v1.2.3. uploaded all files, imported plugin (with overwrite).
Made a new raffle with 5 prizes (multiple wins is set to no). Only 1 ticket per member, 5 members took part in the raffle.
This means everyone should win 1 prize but (Ticket #103) still won 3 prizes.
I am curious who did or did not encounter the same problem when creating the same raffle (with the latest version of this mod). I run VB 4.1.4.
Thanks for the update though, I am sorry to ruin your celebration lol.
07-16-2011, 10:31 AM
Just installed v1.2.3. uploaded all files, imported plugin (with overwrite).
Made a new raffle with 5 prizes (multiple wins is set to no). Only 1 ticket per member, 5 members took part in the raffle.
This means everyone should win 1 prize but (Ticket #103) still won 3 prizes.
I am curious who did or did not encounter the same problem when creating the same raffle (with the latest version of this mod). I run VB 4.1.4.
Thanks for the update though, I am sorry to ruin your celebration lol.
The only thing I can think of now is the files aren't getting overwritten on your server. Or, you're running PHP caching software and the cache needs to be cleared. Or, when you ticked the 'No' selection you didn't save the settings.
In reality, the draw scheduled task would go into an infinite loop if it couldn't find a different winner. That's why the unique entry count check is in the routine.
As a matter of fact I just ran a 10 prize/10 entry raffle on my site and not one duplicate happened. You'll need to register to see the results...
You could try one more thing, that's download version 1.2.4 which is on my server now. However, it really doesn't change the core operation of the raffle system and that's why it's not uploaded here, but hey.. you've got a problem that needs to be solved.
07-16-2011, 04:41 PM
For those still having trouble with multiple wins, please download and install v1.2.5 and then enable debug mode in raffle settings.
This will put a detailed log of the actions taken by the raffle draw scheduled task into the scheduled task log.
When you have a problem, upload a copy or screenshot of the full log for the problem draw.
07-16-2011, 09:59 PM
Just made a new raffle, 7 prizes and 7 different winners :D
Dont know what did the trick, the debug setting was on.
I will perform some more tests to make sure everything is all right.
07-17-2011, 11:41 AM
Once you're certain all is working the way it should, turn off debug. Otherwise your scheduled task log will grow substantially in size.
07-20-2011, 06:31 PM
First, thank you nHawk for helping me out and looking into things. =)
Now, a few suggestions.
Post Winners to Thread, option. - This would simply reply to an existing thread with a custom message as defined by the admin. Post things like the raffle, draw date, prize and winners.
Post to new thread is available as an add-on on my site.
Move "Allow One Member Multiple Wins" to per raffle instead of a global setting.
Done in version 1.2.6.
Add in the ability to draw each raffle at a specific time. I know that would require the cron running more often, but even if it's close, say it only checks every hour, I think that'd be good.
Draw at specific time is available as an add-on on my site.
07-20-2011, 06:36 PM
Nhawk, I'd be interested in hearing what will be in the "pro" version of the script. It's a great script!
Thanks MTP! ;)
I've decided to take a different approach.
From this point forward anything other than fixes or core program changes will be in the form of an add-on to the raffle system.
That way people can pick and choose what they want to add into the system.
Glad you decided to make premium (cost associated) add-ons, but sad at the same time. ;)
07-20-2011, 08:08 PM
Glad you decided to make premium (cost associated) add-ons, but sad at the same time. ;)
It was actually a tough choice to make. It wasn't what I originally intended to do.
But now that the mysterious multiple winner bug seems to be squashed, people have a very strong base system to run raffles.
Any add-ons from here out would most likely be something only a few people want, or need. So, it made sense from that standpoint because the base code was becoming bloated with functions only some people use. ;)
Besides, the cost won't be outrageous. A pack of smokes and a cup of starbucks coffee in US $. :D
Besides, the cost won't be outrageous. A pack of smokes and a cup of starbucks coffee in US $. :D
But I don't smoke or drink coffee... ;) Seriously though, it's a good thing, hope it get's ya more cash than hoping for donations does. =)
07-21-2011, 09:29 PM
So are there any plans on implementing this so that users can use a points system to purchase raffle tickets. For me, it's just not worth the legal hassles with using real cash.
It's already there..
?Define a different prize image for each raffle.
?Set raffle rules on a per raffle basis.
?Set raffles to start in the future or on the day you create the raffle.
?Allow One or more entries per user.
?Allow multiple entries at one time if desired.
?Admin settable time delay between user entries.
?One or more prizes per raffle.
?One or more winners per raffle (multiple winners require multiple prizes).
?Allow members to win multiple times in one raffle if desired.
?Display winning 'ticket' numbers if desired.
?Selectable usergroups
?Post count limit if desired.
?Require Human Verification if desired.
?Will show in Community Menu if desired.
?Show active raffles in forum sidebar and/or in what's going on.
?Automatic raffle draw via vBulletin scheduled tasks.
?Manual raffle draw to override end date and/or scheduled draws.
?Turn raffles on or off via admincp. (Only raffle admins can view raffles when they are turned off)
?Support for just about any credit system such as vBCredits II, ICash, kBank and vbBux.
?Support for AW Coding's Credit Purchase System so member can purchase "raffle tickets".
?XHTML 1.0 Transitional validated (provided your current template passes the tests)
07-21-2011, 09:49 PM
I apologize, I mistated my question. I meant to say, any way to get this to use with VBExperience?
07-21-2011, 09:55 PM
I apologize, I mistated my question. I meant to say, any way to get this to use with VBExperience?
If you know the name of the table for the point system, the name of the userid field in that table and the name of the points field in that table.. it will already work with that.
It is set up to work with any point system when those three items are known.
07-29-2011, 04:32 AM
How do we go about adding this to cms ?
07-29-2011, 10:52 AM
How do we go about adding this to cms ?
What would you want in the CMS?
Just a widget to show what raffles are running?
07-29-2011, 01:29 PM
yes same block that is on the forum side block
07-29-2011, 06:15 PM
yes same block that is on the forum side block
AdminCP->vBulletin CMS->Widgets
Click the "Create New Widget" button.
Widget Type = PHP Direct Execution
Title = Current Raffles
Description = Current Raffle List
Click "Save"
Click "Configure"
Paste this code in the box that comes up..
global $vbulletin;
if ($vbulletin->options['raffle_mode'] && $vbulletin->options['raffle_showsidebar'] && !is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, explode(',', $vbulletin->options['raffle_perms'])))
$timenow = TIMENOW;
$raffle_getactive = $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "raffle
WHERE enddate > $timenow AND startdate <= $timenow
if ($vbulletin->db->num_rows($raffle_getactive))
while($raffle = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($raffle_getactive))
if (is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, explode(',', $raffle['groupperm'])))
$raffle_list .= '<br />';
$raffle_list .= '<a href="raffles.php?' . $session[sessionurl] . 'do=raffle&id=' . $raffle[id] . '" title="' . $raffle[name] . '" />' . $raffle[name] . '<br />';
$raffle['prizeimg'] = 'images/raffles/default.gif';
$target = $vbulletin->options['raffle_sidebar_maxpicture'];
$picturesize = getimagesize($raffle['prizeimg']);
$percentage = ($target / $picturesize[0]);
$picture_width = round($picturesize[0] * $percentage);
$picture_height = round($picturesize[1] * $percentage);
$raffle_list .= '<img class="display" src="' . $raffle['prizeimg'] . '" width="' . $picture_width . '" height="' . $picture_height . '" alt="' . $raffle['name'] . '" border="0" /></a><br />';
$output = $raffle_list;
Click "Save"
Then add the widget to the layout manager.
07-30-2011, 01:54 PM
Couple Questions.
Is there an addon to use paypal to buy tickets? Also if not are you able to manually add members to a raffle?
07-30-2011, 04:13 PM
Couple Questions.
Is there an addon to use paypal to buy tickets? Also if not are you able to manually add members to a raffle?
There is Support for AW Coding's Credit Purchase System so member can purchase "raffle tickets".
That allows the use of PayPal as well as other payment methods.
07-31-2011, 02:35 AM
There is Support for AW Coding's Credit Purchase System so member can purchase "raffle tickets".
That allows the use of PayPal as well as other payment methods.
So then that is No? And yeah I noticed that already then you have to have another points system. What about manually adding members? You did not answer that one. That would be a simple fix for not allowing paypal. One could have a member pay them somehow and then the admin could just manually add them in
07-31-2011, 10:10 AM
So then that is No? And yeah I noticed that already then you have to have another points system. What about manually adding members? You did not answer that one. That would be a simple fix for not allowing paypal. One could have a member pay them somehow and then the admin could just manually add them in
The answer is a definite yes, when you use AW Coding's credit purchase system. The credit purchase system has nothing to do with "points systems" when used with the raffle system. Members purchase tickets to enter the raffle. See the bottom of this screenshot..
I even give the Credit Purchase System settings to purchase raffle tickets.
However, there is not a way to manually add entries.
I have AW Coding credit system and this Modification. Everytime my members purchases a ticket for a raffle, I get the money but then it doesnt allow them to enter the raffle. :x
they keep getting
"You do not have any raffle tickets to enter this raffle.
Click HERE to purchase raffle tickets."
07-31-2011, 09:46 PM
Installed and running on 4.1.5
One of the best mods out there for streamlining work on staff. A+++
07-31-2011, 11:29 PM
Just sent you a donation, awesome work on this..
07-31-2011, 11:44 PM
Prize images aren't being shown. I get, Warning: Division by zero in [path]/raffles.php on line 6, error message displaying at top of browser. Just installed it on my 4.1.5 vbulletin. Your default 777 winner image works just not when I try to add my own. Anything I can try?
willing to give someone $5 if they fix this for me
08-01-2011, 10:00 AM
Prize images aren't being shown. I get, Warning: Division by zero in [path]/raffles.php on line 6, error message displaying at top of browser. Just installed it on my 4.1.5 vbulletin. Your default 777 winner image works just not when I try to add my own. Anything I can try?
Some servers don't allow URL access to files. Try changing the path to your image from to ./images/raffles/
You won't be able to see the image in the ACP, but it should show in your raffles.
That is a generic example. You haven't told me what the path to your image is.
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