View Full Version : Paid Subscription reminders

04-25-2011, 04:47 AM
Hi all,

I am using Paid subscription for my forum and it automatic send payment reminder emails to users as i am using recurring payments for every month.

I want to stop these reminder emails to be sent to the users. However, i have not found anything in the Admin CP.

Can anybody help me to do this ?


09-25-2018, 10:50 AM
Hey, I know it was asked long time ago,

Though I've just done this. so for others to come I'll share it here.

so upload the attached file to includes\cron

And from the admin panel, create a new cron job with exactly the same params as the Subscriptions cron job, but call it : Subscriptions norecurr And point it to the new file. ( ./includes/cron/subscriptions_norecurr.php )

Now make sure this new cron job is enabled, and disable the old Subscriptions cron job.

The description I gave this cron job :

Once per day, this script removes expired paid subscriptions as well as send out reminders about soon to expire subscriptions except recurring subscriptions. members with recurring subscriptions will not get email reminder.

That's it.

05-23-2020, 10:10 AM
Hey, I know it was asked long time ago,

Though I've just done this. so for others to come I'll share it here.

so upload the attached file to includes\cron

And from the admin panel, create a new cron job with exactly the same params as the Subscriptions cron job, but call it : Subscriptions norecurr And point it to the new file. ( ./includes/cron/subscriptions_norecurr.php )

Now make sure this new cron job is enabled, and disable the old Subscriptions cron job.

The description I gave this cron job :

That's it.

Thank you, I hope this will work out, I can't believe the product did this all these years... that's truly stupid. Must have lost half of my recurrent subscribers because of this garbage. *facepalm*