View Full Version : vB 4 compatibility with Internet Explorer

04-24-2011, 03:42 AM
Why is it that when I view my 4.1.2 forum in Internet Explorer I don't get the nice rounded corners and shadows? It works fine in Firefox and Chrome.

I opened up vbulletin.com in internet explorer 9 and it shows rounded corners

Why is there a difference between the browsers and is there a fix for this? This is an issue for me bc I don't want my forum to look different across browsers.

04-24-2011, 03:54 AM
No way around it, sad to say.

04-24-2011, 07:13 AM
Why is there a difference between the browsers and is there a fix for this?
Browser developers enterpret/implement rules and defacto standards differently. IE browsers have as far as I know never? supported rounded corners; it takes significant extra coding to display round corners in IE. When you go into the finer things, you will find other differences too between how browsers display pages.