View Full Version : strangers2friends

04-23-2011, 12:07 PM
Ive just finished putting together a friendship and support forum i dont want to promote it yet until i get a feedback of what everyone things.If you can thing of things i can add which i may of forgotten or some thing i can change to make it a better place to come to id really appreciate any comments thank you

I have even added a competion zone where members can win itune voucher or xbox live accounts


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Wow 21 views and not one comment or feedback.I look at my forum and i really thing there is some thing missing from it,And the theme i dont know if it is too dark for the sort of message board i have got.Please if you view my forum could you leave me feedback so if things need changing i can get about changing them thank you so so much in advance

04-25-2011, 02:56 AM
All that space at the top seems pointless. Top banner really looks bland. Theme looks bland. I would have liked to see a theme not so generic looking or a more appropriate top banner.

Just my .02

Good forum though!

04-25-2011, 08:06 PM
I have got a forum banner coming now.I have deleted the like and tweet button and added it to a userbar at the bottom of the forum.The theme im still not suer what to do as half of the forum really like it and the other half dont.I do love peggys theme she really is good at what she does

04-26-2011, 06:39 PM
Looks a lot better. Perhaps try focusing on the most valuable & attractiveness of your site so visitors take some kind of action.

04-26-2011, 08:53 PM
Very nice site.. lets team up

04-26-2011, 09:51 PM
Thank you so much tercede and rahstyles.My friend found me the theme so im now just got to get someone to do my banner for me what came with it.Im so sorry rahstyles i am mod and admin on so many forums and i have 3 of my own to run aswell i really just dont have the time to take on any other forums right now.Im sure you will find people to help you though

04-27-2011, 10:34 PM
First opinion: bland look.

Your site name should likely be one of the most visible elements in your header, yet it's not there. That seems odd to me. It should be there in your flash header, along with a possible tagline, so that those browsing your site for the first time know what the forum is about, without needing to browse your list of forums/sub-forums

As it is now - I really have no idea what your forum is about. I saw something about forum promotion...?

My suggestion = work on the overall branding concept.


04-27-2011, 11:28 PM
I had to turn of all boards to guests as i had 5 guests breach dmca basically they copied my whole forum .I have only just done the theme and am waiting for some one to the do the header for me as im no good with paint shop.Im also waiting for a friend to come of holiday as he is gonna do a portal page with all the information of the forum itself.

04-28-2011, 04:19 PM
I like it gemmk1. It has certainly come on leaps and bounds since your opening post.

The only thing I don't like is the font in the top navigation.

Keep up the good work and good luck with your site :)

04-28-2011, 09:16 PM
Do you mean the green writing ive been trying to find out where to change it or do you mean the rainbow buttons for ebay and arcade as i did them and im no good with paint shop or anything im just a newbie at this.Thank you so much gemma for the comments it is really nice of you and everyone else who has took the time to vist and i do really appreciate it

--------------- Added 1304083732 at 1304083732 ---------------

First opinion: bland look.

Your site name should likely be one of the most visible elements in your header, yet it's not there. That seems odd to me. It should be there in your flash header, along with a possible tagline, so that those browsing your site for the first time know what the forum is about, without needing to browse your list of forums/sub-forums

As it is now - I really have no idea what your forum is about. I saw something about forum promotion...?

My suggestion = work on the overall branding concept.


we now have had the banner design for us.And i am now promoting the website on forums using one or two of these descriptions

Have you ever felt alone? Left Out? A stranger? Well stranger2friends you will never fell left out. We take a bunch of unknown people, bring them together on one forum and make the friends. We have friend support and more over at our active community so we can help you not fell left alone.

Alone? Not any more.

and this one

"Ever feel like you can't talk to anyone, or just have something on your chest, and you just want share with someone? Join Strangers2friends and let your worries disappear. We're a friendly community and have time for everyone. Talk about anything and walk away happy!"

--------------- Added 1304114498 at 1304114498 ---------------

I like it gemmk1. It has certainly come on leaps and bounds since your opening post.

The only thing I don't like is the font in the top navigation.

Keep up the good work and good luck with your site :)

Thankyou once again ive just added 4 competitions aswell where members can win real money and i thought it would nice to show the few i have i appreciate them,Okay they have to work for the prizes but it gives them some thing to aim for