View Full Version : Mods really not made?

04-20-2011, 04:53 PM
Since two days im searching for some things that i want to have in our board. Since two days i cant find the right mods for my needs. Maybe i am too stupid to search and find, maybe these things are really not programed till now, but i dont want to believe this.

My examples:

- Integration for google maps with a small map for every user in his profile.
- Crop and resize pics for profiles during the upload process.
- Ajax in every (text) input field
- Showing Private Messages like in my telephone with alle answers on one page or more pages.
- Search for groups

If there are mods for my needs i would be happy to know about them.

04-24-2011, 01:43 AM
I am unaware of anything like that. But a word of advice: Try to solve one thing at a time. Ask five questions and you're less likely to get even one useful answer.