View Full Version : How come blocked users are making posts?

04-19-2011, 09:53 PM
My usergroup of "Users Awaiting Email Confirmation" doesn't have permission to make posts.

In the usergroup settings I've got everything under "Post /Thread Permissions" set to "No". I've always had that setting for this usergroup.

Today I find that some users in this group have made posts. They aren't spam posts or anything but I'm concerned that people in this usergroup can post.

How is that happening and what do I need to change to block them from posting till they've confirmed their email address?

04-19-2011, 10:35 PM
are they members of any secondary usergroups?

04-20-2011, 03:58 AM
Have you checked the Forum Permissions page? Maybe you changed the permissions just for a couple forums.

04-21-2011, 06:12 PM
are they members of any secondary usergroups?
Good point. I should have mentioned I don't use that Additional Usergroup feature. Everybody is a member of one group only - their primary usergroup.

Lynne, I've checked forum permissions. For the forums these members have posted in the settings are as follows:
Use Usergroup Default Permissions = On
Can View Forum = Yes
Can View Thread Content = Yes
Can View Others' Threads = Yes
Can Search Forums = Yes

Eveything else is set to No.

Thanks for your replies. I'm obviously keen to solve this as it represents some spam potential.

04-21-2011, 09:39 PM
If your permissions are all set correct for any usergroup that the user could have been in (Moderated Usergroup, User Awaiting Email Confirmation, Unregistered), then I would disable all your modifications and then see if this happens again. If the permissions are set correctly, this will not happen on a default board.