View Full Version : Looking for mod - Thread Archive into Wiki-style format?

04-17-2011, 05:55 AM
Hi all. Thanks in advance. I'm looking for a plug-in / mod that I haven't found yet. Here's what I'm looking for:

Sometimes my users create a thread with a lot of responses that has a lot of good information. I would like to archive these threads in a "wiki-like" directory structure, similar to the old Yahoo directory. For example, if someone sees a great thread on "Porsche 911 Ignition Systems", then they can create a request to have the article archived in a directory under the following pre-made structure: Porsche -> 911 -> Ignition.

There's got to be something out there that works like this, but I just haven't been able to find it right now. Most of the scripts I've seen have users creating articles from scratch.

