View Full Version : Datastore prefix question

04-14-2011, 03:49 PM
Is there a way to pull the datastore prefix for a variable in the datastore like they do with the table_prefix? I tried this but it doesn't work:

$new_datastore_fetch[] = " . DATASTORE_PREFIX . "boofocounter;

I got a report from someone that the counter didn't work. It turned out they had a datastore prefix set in the config file:

$config['Datastore']['prefix'] = 'something';

Once they removed the prefix, the counter started working.

04-14-2011, 04:36 PM
function build_prefix_datastore ?

04-14-2011, 04:42 PM
Ok, but how would you pull the datastore info from a prefixed datastore, and yet be able to pull it from a non-prefixed datastore if there is no prefix? It states in the config file that it woks something like the table_prefix does.

04-14-2011, 09:21 PM
Hmmm, that is not what I was thinking it was - that's what happens when I do something in a hurry!

The only place I see it used is in vB_Datastore in class_core.php.

I really am not gonna be much help here as I'm not that familiar with the whole datastore cache stuff. :/

04-14-2011, 09:52 PM
This is the first time I have run into the need for needing the datastore prefix myself, so we're both in new territory. Plus, I'm probably not explaining very well what I'm trying to do, so that gets tossed into the mix, also.