View Full Version : Users Awaiting Moderation - Change default Usergroup they are Moved to

04-14-2011, 12:35 PM
Hi All -

I currently have my forum setup with to have memberships approved first by a moderator before accessing the full forum.

I would like to change the default usergroup that users are moved to after they are approved by a moderator from "Registered Users" to a different usergroup altogether, how can this be achieved?

I primarily wish to do this as I am implementing a subscription service and only want new registrations from this point on being forced to subscribe to access the forums. By moving these new registrations to a specifically new usergroup, they will only see a special forum instructing them how to subscribe before gaining full access.

Thanks -

04-14-2011, 01:11 PM
You could always just make a new usergroup for the subscriptions, give all current members primary/secondary access to the usergroup, and then limit the registered usergroup to not be able to do anything except view the upgrade page/thread.