View Full Version : Subscribe to thread?

04-10-2011, 11:52 PM
Hi everyone -

I'd like the default "subscribe to thread" option (instant) to be different when replying to someone else's thread. To me (at least at our forum) it doesn't make much sense to subscribe to every thread you post in. Most of the replies are "thank you!" and such and we only want to subscribe to the threads we start.

Quick reply doesn't have the option to unselect the default subscription option, and if you turn it off then you have to check the default option in every thread you start.

Anyways... does anyone know of a mod for this?

Thank you

01-15-2012, 08:38 AM
Interested in this point, any help?

01-15-2012, 09:44 AM
For new registrations

Admin control panel:
User Registration Options
Default Registration Options
Automatic Thread Subscription Mode

Change the dropdown list to do not subscribe , click Save.

But, for users who have already registered,
they have to change their account manually to change their subscription options:

User CP
My Settings
General Settings
Messaging & Notification
Default Thread Subscription Mode
change the drop down menu to do not subscribe

hope this helps you

01-15-2012, 06:49 PM
Thanks, but the question is to have the suscribe/unsuscribe to thread in quick reply.

Quick reply doesn't have the option to unselect the default subscription option, and if you turn it off then you have to check the default option in every thread you start.

Now, you have this option in GO TO ADVANCED when reponding a topic. We want this option to be selected from quick reply,

Thanks for any help,