View Full Version : VB 4.1.2 Pagination Problem

03-28-2011, 07:59 AM
I may be missing something here as I have looked around on the vbulletin forums but I notice that the pagination on my forum showed an incorrect amount of page numbers that changed depending on what page I was currently looking at and also didnt seem to show all the posts either...

I was assuming this was just a problem with the upgrade we just performed but then I noticed it also happens on www.vbulletin.com so was wondering if someone could explain it to me or tell me whats wrong :)

Strangely enough if you get to the last page the pagination seems to fix itself...

To reproduce:
go to vbulletin.com find a user with a large amount of posts click on their name and 'view forum posts'



03-28-2011, 09:06 AM
This is expected behavior. We have asked them to fix it like vb 3 is, but to no avail.