View Full Version : Looking for some BBCodes

03-26-2011, 02:03 PM
Hello Community,

before installing vBulletin it was able to use some special bbcodes in my wbb3.

I´m looking for someone to built these BBcodes for me:

BBcode Right
BBcode that quotes a selected text with an Icon on the left to mark the quote as "correct".

BBCode False
BBCode that quotes a selected text with an Icon on the left that marks the qote as "false".

BBCode Edit
BBCode that quotes a selected text with an Icon on the left that marks the quote as "edited"

Cool If I could use my own icons.

BBCode Amazon
BBCode that is built by inserting Amazons 13-digit-ASNI-Number to show that someone has something of interest to sell. With options: Price, Discription and a frame around it with "amazon"-icon

BBCode Ebay
BBCode taht is built by inserting Ebay Article number (for ebay.com/ebay.de) with options for Price, Discription, End Date and a frame around it with an ebay-icon.

Wow.. ok... I like to use these in german forum, so translation would be great.

Thanks for your interest.


03-26-2011, 02:31 PM
The Right/False/Edit shouldn't be too hard, there are already BB Codes like "Warning" and "Info" with their own icons on the that could easily be edited.


For Amazon or eBay you could do a code with a link to the product, however a BB Code will never be able to extract information like price or description from the page it links to. You would need some sort of fairly substantial custom modification to pull info off other pages.

There is a mod Automatic Media Embedder (AME) that can extract some info from pages but it's for VB 3.8. The 4.x version doesn't have the same features, an upgrade is in the works but isn't out yet.

03-26-2011, 03:45 PM
Very nice post. Thank you very much.

I edited them for my usage ;)