View Full Version : posts count for each forum

03-25-2011, 09:51 AM

I am a newbie, and I'm interesting in disable post count for certain forums.

If I have 10 forums, I would like each member post count (total posts in the forum) would be calculated excludind the number of posts in two of this forums.

So the number of total posts would be calculated with the posts of 8 of the 10 forums.

Is there any mod that allow to do this? I was searching a lot, but I didn`t find this. Or if someone can tell me how to avoid counting posts of specific forums foro the total number of posts it would be apreciate,

Thanks in advance and sorry for my english,

03-25-2011, 11:09 AM
Check for this in the forum manger of any forum:

Count Posts Made in this Forum Towards User Post Counts

03-25-2011, 04:10 PM
thank you, I didn´t remember that option in the administratration manager, I´ve changed it, but is there any way to apply that setting to the existing posts?

I think this setting begin to work now in that way, isn`t it? But can i "reduce" the number of posts of the users automatically? For example if a user has 1000 posts and 900 in that excluded forum from post count , make the forum show 100 posts.

Thank you very much,

03-25-2011, 04:12 PM
If you go to admincp > maintenance > update counters > Update Post Counts. But read this first:This will recalculate all of your user's post counts based on their CURRENT posts in the database. Do not run this if you have pruned posts, manually changed post counts, or imported from another forum package and you wish to maintain your users' current counts. Your members' post counts will PROBABLY decrease so only run this if you believe you really need to! Once they decrease you cannot bring them back up without restoring your database or manually editing each user. You have been warned!

03-25-2011, 04:30 PM
Thank you very much, I have to see all that information, if i can run the update counters.

And a final question, is it possible to see the real posts of a user and the shown ones. In that way admins can see the % the user contributes to the forum content or to the posts excluded forums.

With your help, all becomes easy,


03-25-2011, 04:36 PM
You would need to write a query to view the 'real' post count for the user and compare it to the computed post count. There was a mod that would show how many posts a user made in each forum. It's a vB3 mod, but it may work in vB4 without too many changes. You may want to look for that.

03-26-2011, 07:55 AM
Thanks very much, I will look for that mod, and I?ll try to adapt it to v4,
