View Full Version : Help with customizations

03-25-2011, 12:54 AM
I am really wondering if someone could help me with a custom memberslist.php

Other things I would like to start working on would be a stats page like this http://hellsgamers.gameme.com/
The ability to add tags in front of threads to the extent like "Banned, Unbanned, Approved, Denided, Pending" I would also like to be able to make them colored.

Any help would be great.

03-26-2011, 05:03 AM
You probably don't want to mess with the php file for a custom member list it depends what you mean by 'custom'... you can do SOME customizing in AdminCP>Settings>Options>User Listing Options. You can also customize the memberslist TEMPLATE (AdminCP>Styles & Templates>Style Manager>Edit Templates>Member's List Templates>memberlist; certain customization can also be done in AdminCP>Styles & Templates>Style Manager>Edit Templates>CSS Templates>memberlist.css. It depends on what it is you want to do.

Tags in front of threads? You mean Thread Prefixes? You can do that on a forum by forum bases... go to AdminCP>Thread Prefixes>Manage Prefixes
when you create the prefix there's a text box for wrapping the prefix in html i.e.
<i><color= red>Banned</color></i> to make it show as:
Banned in front of the thread title.

Not sure on the stats page... that might be one or several of the 'Steam' mods that are available here. Do a Search in the mod forum (for the version of vB that you are using) using the search term 'Steam'.

Hope that's of help.

03-28-2011, 12:33 PM
Thank you for the reply.

When I say a custom memberlist.php all I mean is a page that shows only the user groups and info i want it to show... I don't wanna mess with the member.php but I would want to do something like leaders.php

Thread Prefix's was Awsome :D

03-28-2011, 03:28 PM
Why not just copy the memberlist.php file, rename it as leaders.php, and modify it to do what you want?