View Full Version : vbGallery automatic thread creation with new uploads

03-23-2011, 01:56 AM
I would like to increase the usefulness of pictures helping to build my community discussions. Today, pictures remain in a gallery separate from the forum area and it requires people to go to the gallery or randomly see thumbs on the home page or whatever. I believe that one of the great bits of functionality that Facebook has is that when people post pictures it goes to the wall and newsfeed for all to see.

What I would like to happen is when photo submissions are created, a thread in a forum linked to photo category is created. So after the photo submission the user is taken to the post new thread with the photos already populated in the message box OR the user is taken to the thread that was created in their name in the destination forum. From there the user could edit the thread...there the user can say whatever they want about that picture or set of pictures. This will help to drive discussions and help to promote the pictures that have been uploaded.

I believe as part of the upload of photos process for "vbgallery" by photopost folks, would need to be a field for "new thread title", so when they submit the picture or pictures the thread is started with that subject.

I see this as part a vbulletin thing and part a vbgallery thing, but hoping someone either knows of something or can make a mod. I'm willing to pay some for this.
