View Full Version : Forum Name

03-18-2011, 02:29 PM
How can I change the forum name, that appears in the bookmarks. I changed it in Title/url in vB options, and it still shows the actual URL in the bookmark. Thanks.

03-19-2011, 02:20 PM
ok! go to options --->Content Management--> then add the name to your website there.

plus there are other features you can play with. i hope this helps your out.

03-19-2011, 03:32 PM
Content management is not shown in Vb>>> Options. been looking still , and can't seem to find it. thanks

03-19-2011, 03:53 PM
You might want to clarify what a bookmark is.

03-19-2011, 05:05 PM
ahem. a bookmark is when you save a site you like and put it in your bookmarks. I answered even tho your title implies sarcasm*

03-19-2011, 10:35 PM
Ok if you don't have content management witch was a extra cost, then simply go to---> admin cp---> options ---> Site Name / URL / Contact Details--- >and by dealt first line " Forum Name"
you will see simply Forum, just change it to the name of your site and when you book mark your website you will see the name. \but remember this is different from bookmarking a thread only the title of the thread will show not the name of the site. but how it gets index is different, i hope this helps i am also in testing stages on my new site so i am playing around with the settings.

03-19-2011, 11:26 PM
thanks but check out post #1. That was first thing I tried. My site name is in there, yet the URL shows in my bookmark. Other site, however is showing the Site name in bookmarks...so where else can I look is my query.

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Got it, thanks for the exorbitant amount of help I received.

03-20-2011, 05:13 PM
sorry man your right lol,, it was right there on thread 1, but now i am a bit confused now maybe if you could help me understand i bit more what you want to do. There is this free mod called vbseo that may help you, i believe it allows you have more options plus here is another link , that allows you to change the header title powered by vbulletin and remover it and take advantage of renaming it . this may not help you just to help you explore further more what you want to do.

03-21-2011, 12:16 AM
Thanks, but I got it. It was actually MY fault! After changing and deleting the bookmark, it still showed the URL. Ya know in bookmarks and RIGHT below the address bar where you can drag your favorite sites and it will put the favicon and site name? Well there was http://www:mysite and all I ocould see was the http://www Part, and I didn't want that to happen to everyone that save the site to bookmarks. Anyways, after changing the site name in Vb, the site was still remembered as http:// until I clean the browswer up. Just ran Ccleaner and resaved the bookmark under addy bar, and it shows the forum name now.

I should have knew better as when I changed the Favicon, it never showed till I did the exact same thing!

Sorry for the shortness...but when I so called designer asks what a bookmark is, I felt like who gave this guy coder status??? OR he was wasting everyones time with sarcasm... either way, thanks!

03-21-2011, 09:56 AM
lol ok, glad you figured it out. trust me i know how it feels:up: