View Full Version : How to have a center block ? (not Forum Sideblock/not CMS)

03-15-2011, 06:00 PM

here is what I would like to do.

My Forum has the sideblocks (not CMS) on the left. Now what I like to add is a big logo from our group, kinda advertising above the forums but not above the sideblocks on the left.

When I for example add and advertising in vB Options, it will place that ad below the navbar, but still, if you have a sideblock going on the left or right, the ad will still be below the navar but still above the sideblock on top.

I want the logo or whatever to show up above the forums, but right next to the sideblock, so its kinda in the same location where the forum would start next to the sideblock.

I hope that makes sense for you. If not I can make a picture to show what I mean. I searched through template modifications but didn't found one that fits my needs.

Also, that part should be in a container above the forums, not without (frame). If anyone can help me with that, please let me know.


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Anyone ? :(

03-16-2011, 07:20 AM
Ok, here is hopefully an example so you understand what I want.

This is how it is normally with the Sideblock on the left side and the ad added "below Navbar".


And this is how I would like to have it, even if that would mean adding somehow a block manually instead of using the build-in ads.


Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


03-16-2011, 12:34 PM
Oh come on, really ? Noone any idea ? :(

03-16-2011, 04:44 PM
Just modify your FORUMHOME template and put it where the template_hook forumhome_above_forums is or just create a plugin and use that template_hook to enter it.

03-17-2011, 10:33 AM
Thanks, and now please for those of us not so good in these things. ;) Please. An example would be greatly appreciated.

03-17-2011, 07:52 PM
What do you mean and example? Did you look in the template and locate the area I indicated? Just put your html there.

<div> my code here </div>

03-18-2011, 08:37 AM
Ok, i tested it, but now its below the block of the "BF-RECENT TOPICS" Mod, and its supposed to be above that. I however don't see where in the FORUMHOME template that Mod is located so I can move the <div> </div> accordingly.

And how can I make it that whatever I put there, ends up in a container, not just on the background of the site ?
What needs the HTML code to be to have it show up in a block like this, which is the "WHATS GOING ON" block on the bottom of my forum.