View Full Version : Why would I want vBulletin Mobile Suite?

03-12-2011, 04:59 PM
<a href="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/content.php/332-vBulletin-Mobile-FAQ" target="_blank">http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/conte...tin-Mobile-FAQ</a>

I've read the FAQ but I don't get it.

Why would I spend $199 (and then $99 annually) for the ability of a person to access my site via iPhone or Droid when Tapatalk allows a user the same ability and it costs me nothing?

I could see adding this if it was far less expensive but the pricing is ridiculously high in my estimation. Maybe I'm missing something.

03-18-2011, 09:04 PM
I see your point and agree why should the forum owner have to pay even more to VB???? trust me TapaTalk works well and it is free to run on your server users have to pay for that option on there phone

I am really starting to think it is all about the $$$$ with VB CEO and Moderators.

03-18-2011, 09:44 PM
funny i saw the article today and i was thinking the same thing whyyyyy. i think there charging extra to also update the app, i don't know i would never pay those prices. is the app running through there server or something. what a you payer for. i can understand paying an update fee once a year but ... i don't know but i know there is one service i won't be buying. maybe those successful vb sites that bring an a real revenue might be worth it but do the numbers :down:

03-18-2011, 10:21 PM
I can't see paying 299.00 and 99.00 after the first year that I can get for FREE that any user wants they can pay the FEE
I just Think that VB CEO is money hungry Call it what it is but for this to be posted on the main site as a Upgrade/addon someone will make some coin when the option is free.

I saw the video but who is going to make ANY forum Adjustment on a phone? If it had a HTML editor I could see that

I just dont see why I should as a several forum/VB license owner pay for this with a yearly fee when it is free

I would like to see a comparison of options from this product and TapaTalk

03-19-2011, 04:40 PM
I can actually see value in this. For those that want to promote their forum you will have a branded app in the app store. It also allows you to offer this functionality to your users for free. Much of the benefit will depend on what the goals, desire and marketing aspirations of a forum are. For me, I see value in the branding of a mobile app as a differentiator and a benefit to the users of my forum in that they don't have to buy an app or use a free one with inferior features. I currently use Tapatalk as well, but it is more of a means to an end than something I am super excited about. It is definitely better on the IOS side than Android.

As for the VB mobile product, the part that makes me a little nervous is that the publishing and control of the app is out of my hands. If VB decides to take a different direction down the road, etc., I have no control and could be left exposed. My experience with VB and some of their product/direction changes has not always been positive, so I am a little hesitant. It will also be interesting to see how Apple feels about this type of arrangement as well, basically VB being an app reseller, and the speed/timeliness that apps can be published and/or updated and approved.

I am very interested in this product/concept, I am just a little unsure at this point. On one hand I want to jump on board and be an early adopter, but on the other I kind of want to see how things shake out.